Mar 2, 2009:
- 2:10 PM Ticket #88 (Better subversion error messages) created by
- (From [https://help.mit.edu/Ticket/Display.html?id=821565 help.mit.edu …
- 2:01 PM Changeset [997] by
- Automatic numbering in scripts-start.
- 12:50 PM Ticket #87 (On an autoinstalled trac using git, going to Browse Source can time ...) created by
- This even happens with small git repos with little history. The fact …
- 2:01 AM Changeset [996] by
- i386_linux3 isn't actually twice as good just because we listed it twice. Let's stop doing that.
Mar 1, 2009:
- 10:08 PM Changeset [995] by
- Django auto-installer.
- 7:05 PM Changeset [994] by
- i386_deb40 is better than i386_linux1
Feb 27, 2009:
- 2:41 PM Ticket #86 (Running multiple autoinstalled instances of Trac causes them all to ...) created by
- This is because the trac.fcgis are all symlinks to the same …
- 1:49 AM Ticket #85 (Trac autoinstaller should configure trac.ini properly when using git) created by
- Specifically, it should add the line: […] to the […] section.
Feb 22, 2009:
- 12:37 PM Changeset [993] by
- Don't warn about CRON being broken during an AFS outage
- 7:49 AM Changeset [992] by
- Don't let cron send mail if it can't touch the cron status file. Nagios is already monitoring this for us.
Feb 20, 2009:
- 11:19 AM Changeset [991] by
- Add CRON-WORKING Nagios test, and contact scripts when sql goes down
- 11:06 AM Changeset [990] by
- If I'm going to deal with outages, I should be able to ACK them and schedule downtime too.
- 11:04 AM Changeset [989] by
- I suppose I should read automated mail for the LVS directors, too.
- 5:12 AM Changeset [988] by
- I should start reading root's mail. I will probably regret this.
- 2:53 AM Changeset [987] by
- Add patch to log document root with every log line
Feb 19, 2009:
- 10:57 AM Changeset [986] by
- Add reverse-resolution for the backend IPs
- 10:57 AM Changeset [985] by
- Map to local usernames, instead of to @scripts.mit.edu addresses (both work)
- 12:44 AM Ticket #34 (long delays with ssh -X) closed by
- wontfix: This appears to be a bug with the version of ssh that's included in …
- 12:25 AM Ticket #74 (foo@user.scripts.mit.edu should equal user+foo@scripts.mit.edu) closed by
- fixed: This implementation does indeed address all the concerns raised, and …
Feb 18, 2009:
- 11:34 PM Changeset [984] by
- Allow local part to contain @
- 11:10 PM Changeset [983] by
- Support mail to foo@bar.scripts.mit.edu
- 11:09 PM Ticket #74 (foo@user.scripts.mit.edu should equal user+foo@scripts.mit.edu) reopened by
- As far as I can tell, the draft implementation ignores all the …
- 10:10 PM Ticket #74 (foo@user.scripts.mit.edu should equal user+foo@scripts.mit.edu) closed by
- fixed: We now support mail to foo@…; it internally …
- 9:12 PM Ticket #55 (certificates on *.scripts.mit.edu as a separate IP address) closed by
- fixed: We finished this change on Feb 9. scripts.mit.edu now has a new IP …
- 9:03 PM Ticket #51 (old-faithful loses backend connection sql on reboot) closed by
- fixed: This no longer seems to happen with Fedora 9.
- 10:06 AM Changeset [982] by
- Check that cron can actually run things as users
Feb 16, 2009:
- 11:00 PM Changeset [981] by
- Script for finding deactivated users and other inconsistencies.
Feb 15, 2009:
- 5:45 PM Changeset [980] by
- Solaris sh doesn't support -e.
Feb 13, 2009:
- 11:51 PM Changeset [979] by
- er, Fedora has a nontrivial vimrc
- 11:48 PM Changeset [978] by
- undo miscommit
- 11:45 PM Changeset [977] by
- Suppress writing .viminfo file
- 6:15 PM Changeset [976] by
- Create a web_scripts/.htaccess.mit to reduce user confusion.
Feb 12, 2009:
- 10:37 PM Changeset [975] by
- eastgate.mit.edu SSL cert and conf [help.mit.edu #792732]
- 10:20 PM Ticket #84 (Automatically notice when installed software is out of sync on the servers) created by
- As reported by xavid in RT#805191 We might want to come up with a …
Feb 11, 2009:
- 5:11 AM Changeset [974] by
- Change sipb.mit.edu DocumentRoot to web_scripts/sipb.
- 4:42 AM Changeset [973] by
- Change default cert to *.scripts except for
- 4:39 AM Changeset [972] by
- Uncommitted changes to httpd.conf. These seem to involve performance and mod_status.
- 4:13 AM Changeset [971] by
- Get rid of the custom sipb.mit.edu aliases.
Feb 9, 2009:
- 2:45 PM Changeset [970] by
- Change the IP for scripts.mit.edu and add scripts-vhosts.mit.edu.
Feb 6, 2009:
- 11:17 PM WikiStart edited by
- add link to wiki (diff)
Feb 5, 2009:
- 9:37 PM Changeset [969] by
- Add scripts-vhosts.
- 9:35 PM Changeset [968] by
- Add and scripts-vhosts.mit.edu.
- 5:23 PM Changeset [967] by
- oops
- 5:03 PM Changeset [966] by
- Add new scripts.mit.edu IP address
Feb 2, 2009:
- 11:13 PM Changeset [965] by
- Configure ldirectord and iptables for scripts-new
- 11:06 PM Changeset [964] by
- Allow management of heartbeat (start the mgmtd)
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.