Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (193 - 195 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#68 worksforme Trying to make a cert-protected WordPress results in a redirection loop andersk

If you create a WordPress? (with or without price’s r725), and add a .htaccess file like

AuthType SSLCert
Require afsgroup system:scripts-moira
ErrorDocument 401 /__scripts/needcerts

you get an infinite redirection loop (http -> https:444 -> https -> https:444).

Examples: without r725, with r725.

#87 worksforme On an autoinstalled trac using git, going to Browse Source can time out and get a 500 xavid

This even happens with small git repos with little history. The fact that it's so slow is probably an upstream thing, but we might be able to hack the autoinstaller's fcgi to make timeouts not happen.

#126 worksforme o hai i hacked ur servers mitchb quentin

im a systems administrator and u suck

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