Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (190 - 192 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#341 duplicate Keep updated our supported autoinstallers adehnert

We currently have several autoinstallers that aren't up-to-date with their upstream. We should keep them updated.

Some options include:

  • making updating things easier, through technical measures and/or better documenting Wizard
  • make this a non-issue by desupporting a bunch of autoinstallers (at the moment, this would probably mean gallery2 and phpbb, since MediaWiki? and WordPress? are uber-popular, and Git, Trac, TurboGears?, Django, and Rails probably all just ~symlink to Fedora packages)
  • make this less of an issue by advertising two tiers of support, and relegating the things we barely care about and suck at updating to a lower tier of support
#343 duplicate Autoinstalled apps should read the sql password out of my.cnf cereslee adehnert

In order to ease password changes (see also #227), follow DRY, etc., autoinstalled apps should read the sql password out of ~/.sql/my.cnf rather than copying it into the app config.

For Django, may be helpful.

#418 duplicate Pony overescapes (some?) error messages adehnert

When I go to pony, I get an error message:

<html>The 'adehnert' locker is not signed up for; <a href="">sign it up</a> first.

The error message is fine, but the HTML tags should be HTML tags, rather than showing up due to being escaped.

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