Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (187 - 189 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#43 duplicate One last zephyrbot test... broder

Ok. I'm going to make a really long description to test wrapping. Ok. I'm going to make a really long description to test wrapping. Ok. I'm going to make a really long description to test wrapping. Ok. I'm going to make a really long description to test wrapping. Ok. I'm going to make a really long description to test wrapping. Ok. I'm going to make a really long description to test wrapping. Ok. I'm going to make a really long description to test wrapping. Ok. I'm going to make a really long description to test wrapping. Ok. I'm going to make a really long description to test wrapping. Ok. I'm going to make a really long description to test wrapping. Ok. I'm going to make a really long description to test wrapping. Ok. I'm going to make a really long description to test wrapping.

#195 duplicate Allow connections to the primary from scripts servers adehnert

In all likelihood, fixing this would also lead to fixing (or WONTFIXing) #175. #138 is sort of the inverse of this one.

#218 duplicate Disable adehnert

For various reasons, we should stop serving as roughly the same as

(We've known this for a while. Mostly I'm hoping to document what the blockers are here.)

Anders claims that the only thing left is checking if any Wordpresses think they're at, and if so fixing them.

Despite similarity in the names, #93 is unrelated.

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