Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (187 - 189 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#14 fixed more detail in Rails FAQ broder price

Joe Foley wrote:

"""It occurs that the rails howto should probably have some little details on how to to setup the database. In particular it should mention that the config/database.yml is what you edit to change the databases to the user+<database>_development databases on"""

We did that, but imagined the FAQ should say more.


#12 wontfix Make autoinstaller for LimeSurvey broder
#10 wontfix make it easier to set custom Perl library paths price

Anders wrote a while ago:

I talked with presbrey on Monday about his r403 (make suexec pass through PYTHONPATH and PERL5LIB), which I reverted for security concerns. The goal is to make it easier to use locally installed Python or Perl libraries, without having to mess with sys.path or @INC in every script. We came up with one possible solution, which is to have suexec pass PYTHONPATH and PERL5LIB after sanitizing them to make sure they only point to paths in the user's locker.

I came up with an alternative solution for Python that involves significantly less work: I put the line

import site, os.path; site.addsitedir(os.path.expanduser("~/lib/python2.5/site-packages"))

in /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/00scripts-home.pth. ecprice and I are going to try out this strategy with the HMMT server.

I don't know of a similar mechanism for Perl, though.


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