Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (184 - 186 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#18 fixed Installing accountadm causes the signup user to be deleted andersk price

Installing the accountadm package causes the signup user to be deleted. Looking at the spec file, I'm not entirely sure why.

#16 invalid auto-installers need better error handling andersk

(Imported from #419862.)


It appears to me that you left the Title field blank in the setup process. (This is the last question, after it finishes uncompressing the installation.) This confused the auto-installer, leaving it in a half-installed state. (The "You have to set the wiki up first!" page should not show up if the auto-installers complete.)

#15 fixed move hodge-podge to its own machine quentin price

Quentin once wrote:

"""Once again, hosage on steve-dallas has struck hodge-podge. We really need to move hodge-podge to its own machine."""

It sounds like this was resolved today, though.

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