Custom Query (196 matches)
Results (178 - 180 of 196)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#35 | fixed | sql web interface should make the lockername+ prefix more obvious | presbrey | andersk |
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(Imported from #545970.) andersk:
#293 | fixed | sqlite3-ruby gem has changed its name to just sqlite3 | ezyang | |
Description |
And Fedora packages rubygem-sqlite3, so we shouldn't install it, except to fulfill deps. |
#247 | fixed | systemd parallel bootup breaks unspecified dependencies | achernya | |
Description |
systemd provides a significantly faster bootup---but it breaks all assumptions about start-ordering. Specifically, this breaks our crond, which depends on afs being up so that it can be started with tokens. This can be corrected by upgrading the openafs-clients startup script to systemd. A nearly-complete but improperly packaged version exists in OpenAFS Gerrit. |