Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (178 - 180 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#35 fixed sql web interface should make the lockername+ prefix more obvious presbrey andersk

(Imported from #545970.)


The SQL web interface should make it clear that it's going to prepend lockername+ to the database name. An easy solution would be

new database: andersk+[text box ] [add]


I've added your suggestion to the live version in the locker (/mit/sql/web_scripts/main/tpl/main.php).

Joe, could you check this in to SVN? I don't seem to have access to the repository.


This change has apparently gotten reverted, and users continue to be confused by it (such as stjerne who thought his database name was amanger, and me who keeps creating databases like hmmt+hmmt+database). Can this change be reapplied?


What is the status of this UI bug? It was fixed and then reverted.

#293 fixed sqlite3-ruby gem has changed its name to just sqlite3 ezyang

And Fedora packages rubygem-sqlite3, so we shouldn't install it, except to fulfill deps.

#247 fixed systemd parallel bootup breaks unspecified dependencies achernya

systemd provides a significantly faster bootup---but it breaks all assumptions about start-ordering. Specifically, this breaks our crond, which depends on afs being up so that it can be started with tokens. This can be corrected by upgrading the openafs-clients startup script to systemd. A nearly-complete but improperly packaged version exists in OpenAFS Gerrit.

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