Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (178 - 180 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#420 fixed Document alternative outgoing email approaches leee adehnert

At the moment, outgoing email from scripts is unreliable. Hopefully something like #357 could improve that. In the short term, and possibly even once #357 gets fixed, users may be better served by sending their email in other ways. We should ideally document some options.

The obvious option is to tell people to use Kerberized auth to It's an obvious, MIT-run service that (hopefully) has good deliverability, and I believe any principal can auth. However, I think many languages have mediocre support for Kerberized SMTP, so it may be hard to for our users to do this.

There are also various companies that provide this sort of service. Some options are:

These have the advantage of probably being easier to set up than kerberized and likely having better deliverability, but disadvantage of requiring a non-MIT party and having a lower free message cap (I think MIT is effectively 1K/day so ~30K/month).

#424 fixed modify vhostadd/edit to use scripts-ldap instead of a scripts server leee leee

Doing this primarily to see if my patches work.

#426 fixed Add Webfont Extensions to the Static Whitelist leee pweaver

Some web-fonts are not whitelisted breaking common web frameworks like bootstrap and confusing users.

The webfont extensions missing are: .woff .woff2 .otf .eot .ttf

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