Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (178 - 180 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#25 fixed document LVS so as not to confuse users and their code andersk

(Imported from #433591.)

#23 fixed Host-based auth for inter-scripts-server login? quentin broder

Get around the logview bug where it doesn't display errors for both servers by allowing one server to login to the other.

(Taken from RT #464449)

#22 fixed NFS-mounted /tmp is a bad idea andersk

(Imported from #432614.)


While upgrading packages on scripts4, I received strange errors that I think can be attributed to our shared /tmp directory. We need to find a better solution. (This has made me uncomfortable for a long time, I'm just adding this to our todo list.)


This is now one of ghudson's selling points for cobwebs: so we should fix it as soon as possible. :-)

Here are some options I see:

  1. Keep the NFS solution and try to hack something to solve the failover problem.
  2. Unshare /tmp and stop pretending we only have one server.
  3. Unshare /tmp, but move PHP sessions and other similar data to some other shared directory (involving one of the other solutions).
  4. Put /tmp in AFS somewhere.
  5. Experiment with Coda, which I believe is supposed to support what we need.


I think I'm happiest with either 2 or 3+5. Did we ever find specific examples of popular scripts that depend on a shared /tmp?


I think that we previously found that some scripts cache data in /tmp, and they expect this data to be either not-there or entirely-up-to-date; they do not expect it to be in an old state.

I think that #2 might hard to get right.

I've considered putting /tmp into AFS, and that option might be the best one.

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