Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (172 - 174 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#83 fixed scripts should provide access to python 2.6 mitchb quentin

scripts should provide a python 2.6 that users can choose. Fedora isn't going to ship one until Fedora 11. Here are geofft's notes from RT #793441 about trying to use the python locker's version:

I've installed zlib.i386, but that seems not to have entirely helped, since the C _hashlib implementation doesn't want to play with Fedora (even if I install openssl.i386), and the pure Python hashlib implementation seems broken in the locker. I think the best solution for right now is to get a build of Python 2.6 that works with scripts (e.g., is 64-bit) in the locker; I'll look into this.

I've contacted python@ to ask them about a 64-bit build and will update the ticket here with their reply.

#168 wontfix scripts-cert-test IP address ezyang

We should get a scripts-cert-test IP address so that we can serve the correct certificate when navigating to (this requires IP based virtual host, so the usual iptables trick doesn't work.)

#167 fixed scriptsVhost LDAP schema has invalid syntax specification ezyang

We use DirectoryString? ( for scriptsVhostDirectory, but scriptsVhostDirectory will be empty in the case of the top level directory and DirectoryString? is not permitted to be empty. We should probably be using something like UTF8String ( IANA-ASSIGNED-OID.2 DESC 'UTF8String' ) instead. It's unclear how a migration for this would happen.

This is relevant because Fedora 13 turns on syntax validation (nsslapd-syntaxcheck) by default; we need to turn this off for now.

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