Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (169 - 171 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#64 wontfix Autoinstallers should use svn co instead of untar geofft

Most of our software supports upgrading by switching to a newer tag, updating, and possibly running an upgrade databases script. If we install a SVN (or whatever VCS) working copy rather than extracting a tarball, users can upgrade their own installs easily. Our auto-upgrade process should also become easier.

For SVN, we can merely generate a tarball with the .svn directories and keep our existing auto-install (and to some extent, auto-upgrade) infrastructure. I suspect this will work with all other VCSes.

There are also packages such as Django that very much recommend installing HEAD rather than a tarballed release, so having an infrastructure that will deal with VCSes will make it easier to support such packages.

#69 wontfix parallel-find hangs outside -c athena price

When I run on my OS X, 10.4, laptop and it does a find in a sipb-cell locker, the find tends to hang. Right now I have about fifty finds in uninterruptible wait, hours later, despite kill -9'ing them.

One of them's even in the net cell.

This may have something to do with me holding price.root tokens rather than price; I don't normally have trouble using the sipb cell, of course.

Does this problem afflict those of you who've tried from other systems?

#100 wontfix .txt should be a trusted extension ezyang

The primary concern with this is that the behavior of has been to disallow .txt files, so user expectation may be in this direction. Thus, I am curious:

  1. How support requests we have gotten because someone published a txt file and it wasn't visible, and
  1. How many .txt files live in web_scripts in all of our users?

Ticket #92 is related.

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