Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (166 - 168 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#146 fixed whoisd should deal with lost connections to slapd mitchb mitchb

Apparently restarting slapd (now that we sort of can do so) will break whoisd because it only opens a single connection when it starts up. We should make it try to reconnect if it loses that connection so that the whois webapp doesn't silently break.

#147 fixed Augment Nagios LDAP-MMR NRPE plugin to check for replication conflicts mitchb mitchb

Aside from making sure that the replicas themselves are okay and replication is running, we should have Nagios check the replicated suffix to see whether there are any records containing the nsds5ReplConflict attribute, which indicates a conflict that could not be automatically resolved.

#259 fixed RT tickets opened with CCs do not send correspondence to those CCs mitchb

We recently added a scrip in use by some of IS&T that adds people CC'd on initial ticket-creating mail as CCs on the ticket. The intent was to have future correspondence not drop them from the loop. Unfortunately, because our Correspondence template clobbers CCs and our Comment template clobbers Tos (same problem that thwarts new people filing hostname requests manually), those ticket CCs will never receive the correspondence.

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