Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (163 - 165 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#67 fixed should be in svn, and have some tweaks price price

In, we should

  • replace find -fprint with find -print, so it runs on my laptop
  • for each file found, use fs la to check that scripts-security-upd still has write bits; if not, we can ignore the directory
  • for each file found, tail -1 to find the version and spit that out with the filename.

Also, it should be in svn, so these changes can have a history.

#96 fixed will fail to find new-style autoinstalls ezyang

New style autoinstalls will not have .scripts-version files in them; instead, they will have a .git directory in them. Parallel find should be updated for this fact. It's unclear if the presence of .git is enough information to say conclusively if it's an autoinstall.

#82 fixed path varies between interactive and web server contexts mitchb

(as reported by geofft in RT #760351 --mitchb)

/usr/kerberos/bin is in my interactive path, but not the script path, which caused my script to spew unhappy errors when trying to kinit from a web request.

Relatedly, I don't think you can get addressless krb4 tickets. We should figure out a way to let cronjobs be run on all servers instead of just the primary.

-- Geoffrey Thomas geofft@…

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