Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#359 fixed Deprecate Rails 2.3 in Fedora 19 achernya

We've been keeping along a compatibility gem for the transitionary period. It's dead and gone, stop installing it.

#371 fixed SMTP should be checked on a realserver properly achernya

Currently, the directors check port 25 on each machine to see if postfix is running. This is bad, since it means we can't nolvs a machine and prevent it from also handling mail. Mitch wrote patches a few years ago that use the nagios ldap check and provide the smtp service that heartbeat can ping. This allows us to nolvs a machine and have it drop out of all services, meaning we can temporarily take a wedged machine out of the pool for debugging.

#372 fixed Document hostname request approval policy adehnert

We have a three-prong test for hostname approval that we seem to have standardized. We should document it, if not in the FAQ then in /mit/scripts/doc/tickets/cnames.txt for our contributors.

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