Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (133 - 135 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#47 fixed autoinstallers should support vhosts geofft andersk

Most of our autoinstallers, in particular Wordpress, break when accessed from a URL that they weren't originally installed at. We should fix them.

#48 fixed SNI, giving certificates on * for FF 2 and IE 7 presbrey andersk

Currently gives a certificate error. We have a valid certificate for * but it is currently not used. The problem is that (modulo recent extensions) the HTTPS protocol doesn’t support sending the virtual host name before the server must decide which certificate to present.

There have been two proposed solutions. One is to use the SNI extension. This requires upgrading OpenSSL to at least 0.9.8f, patching mod_ssl, and using relatively recent browsers (old browsers will fall back to the current behavior).

The other is to move * to a separate IP from, so that the server knows which certificate to present based on the IP. This is less general (we can’t extend this to work with arbitrary vhosts), but we could probably implement it now.

#51 fixed old-faithful loses backend connection sql on reboot andersk

After a reboot, old-faithful cannot connect to sql. This is fixed by a manual ifdown eth1; ifup eth1.

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