Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (121 - 123 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#156 invalid n-f should run our zephyr logger geofft

n-f is our ~stock Fedora machine. While it shouldn't run the scripts config in general, we should know if something funky happens to n-f (not that it's running much of anything, but still), so we should deploy the zephyr logger.

Also, it possibly shouldn't take password logins? There may be some other minimal set of config to take from the scripts web hosts without making it a scripts web host.

#157 fixed the Debian/Ubuntu hosts should run our zephyr logger geofft

We really have no syslog monitoring of the directors or the hosts. This should be fixed.

#158 invalid send guest consoles to zephyr geofft

Once we resolve #157, it would be cute if we can get guest console output (perhaps starting once the guests have booted up and presented a logini prompt) to get sent to zephyr, so we see things like oopses and OOM kills and panics and other stuff that's indicative of a problem but unlikely to get logged from within the host and successfully reach zephyr that way.

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