Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#98 fixed athrun should exist on scripts servers ezyang

It doesn't. The Athena 9.4 rpms might work.

#100 wontfix .txt should be a trusted extension ezyang

The primary concern with this is that the behavior of has been to disallow .txt files, so user expectation may be in this direction. Thus, I am curious:

  1. How support requests we have gotten because someone published a txt file and it wasn't visible, and
  1. How many .txt files live in web_scripts in all of our users?

Ticket #92 is related.

#164 wontfix Zend Guard support ezyang

Zend Optimizer is an extension to PHP that improves the performance of PHP scripts and permits users to run scripts that have been obfuscated by Zend Guard. There is a fair bit of payware PHP software encoded by this, and users occasionally want to run them on Scripts (see for example RT #1298251).

Zend Optimizer is only available as a binary .so file for x86_64, and furthermore, it is only compatible with PHP 5.2 at the time of writing, so it's kind of not usable (right now) on recent releases of Fedora. However, because we allow loading arbitrary php.ini files, users can simply copy the .so file to a location in their web_scripts and then send zend_extension to that absolute path.

It may be worth scriptsifying the binary .so and placing it in extension_dir (in our case, /usr/lib64/php/modules), thus officially supporting Zend Optimizer through the "zend_extension=ZendOptimizer?.so" flag in a php.ini file. However, this leaves us with an unsatisfying upgrade story when we upgrade PHP.

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