Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#172 Use new PHP 5.3 .user.ini for PHP configuration instead of hacked PHPRC new major web
#340 Keep updated our supported autoinstallers new major autoinstallers
#277 Upgrade story for MediaWiki 1.18 (math removal) new normal autoinstallers
#364 Better mailq template email new normal mail
#374 Organize the FAQs better new normal documentation
#432 Issues with php autoresponders not sending randomly but debugs ok new normal default
#141 Create framework for autoinstalling Django apps with Wizard new adehnert minor wizard-infra
#200 Move (part of) scripts to W91 new minor misc
#415 Move LVS directors to vCenter new minor internals
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.