Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#272 Wizard really hurt by AFS "no permissions" slowdown new ezyang defect major
#57 Autoinstallers should read sql configuration from common files new ezyang enhancement normal
#161 Wizard should allow displaying messages to user new ezyang enhancement normal
#189 make Wizard capable of upgrading cert-protected sites new ezyang enhancement normal
#224 Autoinstallers in group lockers install with bogus emails new ezyang defect normal
#235 Make wizard upgrade robust enough to be user visible new ezyang enhancement normal
#236 Wizard failure leaves behind directory new ezyang defect normal
#368 Wizard should handle git submodules new ezyang enhancement normal
#392 Wizard gives unhelpful error message when install fails new ezyang defect normal
#393 Wizard using ncurses should not exit without user input new ezyang defect normal
#141 Create framework for autoinstalling Django apps with Wizard new adehnert task minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.