Custom Query (47 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#17 switch to * and disable new enhancement major
#49 Make logview work new geofft enhancement major
#92 robots.txt file permissions new enhancement major
#106 * certificate doesn't handle lockers with dots in their name assigned geofft defect major
#172 Use new PHP 5.3 .user.ini for PHP configuration instead of hacked PHPRC new task major
#318 IE9 may need the Safari needcerts hack new defect major
#94 Shibboleth authentication new enhancement normal
#213 Search users' web_scripts for known vulnerabilities new enhancement normal
#214 Catalog installed webapps new enhancement normal
#222 add mime types from execsys to Apache httpd.conf new enhancement normal
#240 What's Different? FAQ new enhancement normal
#245 /__scripts/needcerts should send non-reified vhosts to https://*.scripts new defect normal
#258 gdchart PECL module is broken against current gd library new defect normal
#265 PHP dl() doesn’t work new defect normal
#269 Convert to WordPress or something new enhancement normal
#283 Rails reloading is dodgy new defect normal
#298 django-filter in yum doesn't support Django 1.4 new defect normal
#299 Django admin media moved in F17 new defect normal
#303 Install instructions are still incomplete new defect normal Fedora 20
#313 PHP: Install OCI8 Extension new enhancement normal
#317 Scripts AFS patch breaks Rails 3.2+ caching and asset pipeline new defect normal Fedora 20
#319 Serve .txt files with static-cat new enhancement normal
#320 static-cat should be configurable per-user new enhancement normal
#321 Switch static-cat to a denylist instead of allowlist new enhancement normal
#391 Log scripts/~username accesses new enhancement normal
#394 Safari needcerts hack catches Chrome on OSX new defect normal
#410 Automatically request renewals of certs new enhancement normal
#433 Self-service cert requests in Pony new enhancement normal
#2 php.d and php.ini have bad interactions reopened defect minor
#11 SPNEGO/Kerberos authentication new enhancement minor
#52 support per-vhost certs in mod_vhost_ldap new enhancement minor
#60 Apache handlers for PHP and static content new enhancement minor
#75 Load balance on URL new enhancement minor
#116 Certificate login fallback to password new enhancement minor
#163 401 page should link users to renew their certificates at new enhancement minor
#183 Scripts should give a "you are signed up" page instead of 403 forbidden new enhancement minor
#188 Support multiple byte ranges in static-cat new enhancement minor
#209 memcached support new enhancement minor
#212 Add FastCGI support to node.js new enhancement minor Fedora 20
#229 Personal cert htaccess is confusing new defect minor
#237 JDBC is hard to make work new enhancement minor
#281 Add SPDY support new enhancement minor
#332 scripts-vhost IP mysteriously serves cert with a missing intermediate? new defect minor
#339 Share SSL session cache between servers? new enhancement minor
#348 WebSockets new enhancement minor
#376 Java Servlet support new enhancement minor
#397 Store SSL certificates in LDAP, get rid of reified vhosts new andersk enhancement minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.