9 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for xcluster
9 years |
andersk |
Certificate and configuration for transitresearch.org [help.mit.edu ...
9 years |
andersk |
Certificates and configuration for maslab [help.mit.edu #3533372]
9 years |
andersk |
Remove certificate and configuration for familynet [help.mit.edu ...
9 years |
andersk |
Remove www.luke.wf alias (not present in LDAP)
9 years |
andersk |
Remove expired certificate and configuration for ...
9 years |
andersk |
Configure reified vhosts through LDAP
Reduces duplication, allows the ...
9 years |
andersk |
Certificate and configuration for sl2.xyz [help.mit.edu #3531722]
9 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for madars.org
9 years |
andersk |
Certificates and configuration for aepi [help.mit.edu #3377104]
9 years |
andersk |
Certificates and configuration for sixohtwo [help.mit.edu #3376574]
9 years |
andersk |
Certificate and configuration for cycling [help.mit.edu #3335316]
9 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for digitalstructures
9 years |
andersk |
Remove configuration for rcc-d7dev.mit.edu [help.mit.edu #3276770]
9 years |
andersk |
Path change for dnd.mit.edu [help.mit.edu #3276705]
10 years |
achernya |
Reify leee.mit.edu to pick up new docroot
10 years |
achernya |
Fix up techfair after rename to techx
10 years |
andersk |
Remove configuration for bakerfoundation, nudelta
10 years |
andersk |
Certificate and configuration for 6005 [help.mit.edu #3262093]
10 years |
andersk |
Certificate and configuration for bots [help.mit.edu #3239167]
10 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for leee.mit.edu
10 years |
btidor |
Rename obsolete private key
10 years |
andersk |
Certificate and configuration for rcc-d7dev [help.mit.edu #3182781]
10 years |
geofft |
Certificate and configuration for mafia-app [help.mit.edu #3182926]
10 years |
geofft |
Remove SSL configuration for mitchief
The certificate has expired and ...
10 years |
geofft |
Certificate renewal for luke.wf / www.luke.wf
This uses the 2048-bit ...
10 years |
geofft |
reify-vhost.py: Remove comment about removing SSLCertificateKeyFile ...
10 years |
geofft |
Certificate renewal for ldpreload.com
This uses the 2048-bit key and ...
10 years |
geofft |
Remove three vhosts that are no longer hosted by scripts
10 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for olivetti
10 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for 6005scripts.csail
10 years |
btidor |
Site disabled; update reified vhost
10 years |
btidor |
Locker emit renamed to commit
10 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for davidben.net
10 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for *.lizdenys.com
10 years |
mitchb |
Certificate and vhost config for donut-api
10 years |
achernya |
Add configuration for www.achernya.com since the cert is for that too
10 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for vasilvv.org
10 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for log.vasilvv.org
10 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for achernya.com
10 years |
achernya |
SHA256 MITcert renewals
10 years |
achernya |
SHA256 renewal for feed.mit.edu
10 years |
mitchb |
Certificate and reified vhost config for linguistics
10 years |
mitchb |
Certificate and reified vhost config for la-casa
10 years |
mitchb |
Remove errant SSLCertificateChainFile directives
10 years |
glasgall |
re-reify dnd.mit.edu vhost
10 years |
achernya |
Reintegrate fc20-dev into trunk
10 years |
andersk |
Re-reify debathena to remove extra aliases
10 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for roost-test.mit.edu
10 years |
achernya |
rere roost, per davidben
10 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for rcmodel.mit.edu
10 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for mithub
11 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for adviseme.mit.edu
11 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for unim.mit.edu
11 years |
btidor |
Locker change for mailto.mit.edu
11 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for mailto.mit.edu
11 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for six101.mit.edu
11 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for ofcourse.mit.edu
11 years |
btidor |
Certficate and configuration for edudesignshop.mit.edu
11 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for legendary.mit.edu
11 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for the *.lizdenys.com domains
11 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for locate.mit.edu
11 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for quota.mit.edu
11 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for emit.mit.edu
11 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for auth.mit.edu
11 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for duspexplorer
11 years |
btidor |
Updated configuration for cs6090.mit.edu after 6.090 -> 6.177 rename
11 years |
btidor |
Clean up stalk.mit.edu, peoplesearch.mit.edu
11 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for {www.,}liyanchang.com
11 years |
tboning |
Certificate and configuration for liyan.mit.edu
11 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for cosmic-turtle
11 years |
achernya |
Certificate for achernya.com
11 years |
tboning |
Certificate and configuration for dnd.mit.edu
11 years |
tboning |
Certifcate and configuration for isa.mit.edu
11 years |
tboning |
Certificate and configuration for tb
11 years |
glasgall |
re-reify barnowl.mit.edu to get rw path
11 years |
tboning |
Certificate and configuration for set-up.mit.edu
11 years |
tboning |
Certificate and configuration for chatter.mit.edu
11 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for roost
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for feed
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for ties
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for courseroad
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for mosh
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for carepackages and finboard
12 years |
achernya |
Sync mitchief.org from LDAP
12 years |
achernya |
Remove certificate configuration for a long-deactivated site
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for bc
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for tibetforum
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate for dormbase and webid
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for dchang; new certificate for cons
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for gsc
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for classmates, psetcentral, schuh
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for cs6090 and isawyou
12 years |
achernya |
Also add www.davidben.net
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for davidben.net
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for eastgate, picker, pickr
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for impact; new certificate for crush
12 years |
andersk |
Add SSLCertificateChainFile to debathena.conf
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for bakerfoundation, peoplesearch; initial ...
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for ashdown, ec, listmon, sayno, swe, techfair, ...