9 years |
btidor |
Fix for above (block outbound mail, not inbound)
9 years |
btidor |
Block early-warning from sourcing spam
9 years |
achernya |
More mail queue curation
9 years |
achernya |
Reduce mail spam
10 years |
achernya |
Add some spam sources to the blacklist
10 years |
quentin |
Fix comment. Thanks geofft.
10 years |
quentin |
Block laublab from mail usage.
10 years |
quentin |
Block mail for compromised accounts
10 years |
achernya |
Another block
10 years |
achernya |
A block
10 years |
achernya |
Block more spam
10 years |
achernya |
Block a spammy user
10 years |
achernya |
Block a spammy user
11 years |
achernya |
Block a spammy user
11 years |
btidor |
Undo accidental commit of temporary edit
11 years |
btidor |
Certficate and configuration for edudesignshop.mit.edu
11 years |
achernya |
Fix some mail problems
11 years |
geofft |
/etc/aliases: Remove self from root
11 years |
btidor |
Add btidor to /etc/aliases
11 years |
achernya |
Stop blackholing an account
11 years |
cereslee |
Added myself to the email aliases
11 years |
andersk |
/etc/aliases: Revert accidental testing change
11 years |
tboning |
Certificate and configuration for tb
12 years |
tboning |
12 years |
achernya |
Add more users to email blacklist
12 years |
achernya |
Add glasgall to aliases for root
14 years |
achernya |
aliases: correct file format
The /etc/aliases file can't have ...
14 years |
adehnert |
Disable mail for dbriggs and ro21531
14 years |
adehnert |
Designate spot to put queue-clearing aliases
14 years |
geofft |
Add achernya to the root@scripts alias
14 years |
adehnert |
Send srimano to /dev/null due to backscatter
14 years |
geofft |
punt gdb
15 years |
geofft |
Remove e-mail blocks (timeout!)
15 years |
adehnert |
Disable problematic user
15 years |
geofft |
aliases: Update root@scripts.mit.edu list to current maintainers
15 years |
geofft |
I don't want mail to info@, marketing@, sales@, or support@scripts
15 years |
ezyang |
Add ezyang@mit.edu to receive root email.
16 years |
geofft |
Unblock golem from receiving mail (discussed with him over zephyr)
16 years |
geofft |
Unblock reuter from sending mail [help.mit.edu #985700]
16 years |
mitchb |
Restructure so trunk of the repo is at /trunk, not / (part 1)
copied from server/fedora/config/etc/aliases:
16 years |
mitchb |
I should start reading root's mail. I will probably regret this.