# ChangeLog for trunk/locker
# Generated by Trac 1.0.2
# Mar 13, 2025, 11:39:40 PM

Fri, 01 Jul 2011 05:55:55 GMT achernya [1921]
	* trunk/locker/etc/known_hosts (modified)

	Enumerate all hosts for known_hosts

	Enumerate all 9 scripts ...

Fri, 01 Jul 2011 05:18:12 GMT achernya [1920]
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-ssh (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/ssh (modified)
	* trunk/locker/etc (added)
	* trunk/locker/etc/known_hosts (added)

	Bring known_hosts under version control

	Bring the known_hosts file ...

Sun, 12 Jun 2011 12:08:09 GMT adehnert [1906]
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-start (modified)

	Add the git autoinstaller (Trac: #197)

Sun, 12 Jun 2011 12:08:05 GMT adehnert [1905]
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-start (modified)

	Swap the ordering of Joomla and Trac

	This order feels more ...

Sun, 12 Jun 2011 12:08:02 GMT adehnert [1904]
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-phpical (deleted)
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-start (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/phpical (deleted)

	Punt the phpical autoinstaller

	It was never terribly popular, ...

Sun, 12 Jun 2011 12:07:58 GMT adehnert [1903]
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-advancedbook (deleted)
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-advancedpoll (deleted)
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-e107 (deleted)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/advancedbook (deleted)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/advancedpoll (deleted)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/e107 (deleted)

	Remove the advanced{poll,book} and e107 installers

	They were never ...

Sun, 12 Jun 2011 03:21:38 GMT adehnert [1901]
	* trunk/locker (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/cronload (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/crontab (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/for-each-server (copied)
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-git (copied)
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-mediawiki (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-rails (copied)
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-remove (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-start (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-wordpress (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-cron (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-mail (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-minimal (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-sql (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/django (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/git (copied)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/onathena (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/onserver.pm (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/rails (copied)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/trac (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/turbogears (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/trac/trac.fcgi (modified)
	* trunk/locker/sbin (modified)
	* trunk/locker/sbin/vhostadd (copied)
	* trunk/locker/sbin/vhostedit (copied)
	* trunk/locker/sql/bin/save-password (modified)

	Merge locker-dev to trunk

Sun, 12 Jun 2011 02:13:02 GMT adehnert [1899]
	* trunk/locker (modified)

	Mark r1524 as having already been applied to trunk

	Change 1524 was ...

Mon, 02 May 2011 00:34:57 GMT adehnert [1838]
	* trunk/locker/bin/firefox-test (modified)

	Use firefox -no-remote

	This was an uncommitted change in the locker.

Sat, 19 Mar 2011 04:48:32 GMT andersk [1791]
	* trunk (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-remove (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-minimal (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-sql (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/rails (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/trac (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/turbogears (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/trac (copied)
	* trunk/locker/sbin (modified)
	* trunk/locker/sql/bin/save-password (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/oursrc/execsys/execsys-binfmt (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/oursrc/php_scripts/php_scripts-config.m4 (modified)

	trac: Mangle HTTP_REFERER to let the login link keep you on the same ...

Tue, 25 Jan 2011 04:12:55 GMT mitchb [1775]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/django (modified)

	Fix Django autoinstaller

	The format of the database settings in ...

Fri, 03 Dec 2010 12:30:14 GMT mitchb [1750]
	* trunk/locker/sbin (modified)
	* trunk/locker/sbin/vhostadd (modified)
	* trunk/locker/sbin/vhostedit (modified)

	Fix vhostadd and vhostedit in the locker

	They need to point at a ...

Sun, 14 Nov 2010 01:28:20 GMT ezyang [1729]
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-minimal (modified)

	Revert incorrect stanza for disabling signups.

Sat, 13 Nov 2010 16:28:21 GMT ezyang [1728]
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-start (modified)

	Restore PHP iCalendar

Sat, 13 Nov 2010 13:10:19 GMT ezyang [1723]
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-minimal (modified)

	Add signup disabling stanza, say fs setacl not fs sa.

Sun, 24 Oct 2010 02:36:00 GMT ezyang [1698]
	* trunk (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-remove (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-minimal (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-sql (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/rails (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/trac (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/turbogears (modified)
	* trunk/locker/sql/bin/save-password (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/oursrc/execsys/execsys-binfmt (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/oursrc/php_scripts/php_scripts-config.m4 (modified)
	* trunk/server/doc/install-fedora (modified)
	* trunk/server/doc/install-howto.sh (modified)
	* trunk/server/doc/install-ldap (modified)

	Restore r1692.

Sun, 24 Oct 2010 02:33:50 GMT ezyang [1697]
	* trunk (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-remove (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-minimal (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-sql (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin (modified)
	* trunk/locker/sql/bin/save-password (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/oursrc/execsys/execsys-binfmt (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/oursrc/php_scripts/php_scripts-config.m4 (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/config/etc (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/config/etc/httpd/conf.d/scripts-vhost-names.conf (modified)

	Restore r1686.

Sat, 23 Oct 2010 12:07:08 GMT ezyang [1693]
	* trunk (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-remove (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-minimal (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-sql (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/onathena (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/rails (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/trac (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/turbogears (modified)
	* trunk/locker/sql/bin/save-password (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/oursrc/accountadm (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/oursrc/accountadm/Makefile.in (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/oursrc/accountadm/admof.c (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/oursrc/athrun (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/oursrc/execsys (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/oursrc/execsys/execsys-binfmt (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/oursrc/httpdmods (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/oursrc/logview (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/oursrc/php_scripts/php_scripts-config.m4 (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/oursrc/tokensys (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/oursrc/whoisd (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/patches/ghostscript-CVE-2010-1628.patch (deleted)
	* trunk/server/common/patches/krb5-kuserok-scripts.patch (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/patches/openafs-release-glock.patch (deleted)
	* trunk/server/common/patches/openafs-scripts.patch (modified)
	* trunk/server/common/patches/openssh-4.5p1-multihomed.patch (deleted)
	* trunk/server/common/patches/openssh-5.0p1-multihomed.patch (deleted)
	* trunk/server/doc/389-ds-enable-ssl-and-kerberos.diff (deleted)
	* trunk/server/doc/HOWTO-SETUP-LDAP (deleted)
	* trunk/server/doc/install-fedora (modified)
	* trunk/server/doc/install-howto.sh (modified)
	* trunk/server/doc/install-ldap (copied)
	* trunk/server/doc/install-xen (modified)
	* trunk/server/doc/install-xvm (copied)
	* trunk/server/doc/kernel-build-howto (modified)
	* trunk/server/doc/ldap-kerberos-replication.txt (copied)
	* trunk/server/doc/package-build-howto (modified)
	* trunk/server/doc/upgrade-tips (copied)
	* trunk/server/fedora (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/Makefile (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/config/etc (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/config/etc/httpd/conf.d/scripts-vhost-names.conf (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/config/etc/postfix/main.cf (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/config/etc/ssh/sshd_config (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/config/etc/sysconfig/openafs (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/config/etc/syslog-ng/d_zroot.pl (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/config/etc/yum.repos.d/scripts.repo (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/specs/ghc-MonadCatchIO-mtl.spec (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/specs/ghc-cgi.spec (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/specs/ghc-unix-handle.spec (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/specs/ghostscript.spec.patch (deleted)
	* trunk/server/fedora/specs/httpd.spec.patch (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/specs/krb5.spec.patch (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/specs/libpng.spec.patch (deleted)
	* trunk/server/fedora/specs/mit-zephyr.spec.patch (deleted)
	* trunk/server/fedora/specs/openafs.spec.patch (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/specs/openssh.spec.patch (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/specs/python-zephyr.spec (copied)
	* trunk/server/fedora/specs/scripts-base.spec (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/specs/scripts-static-cat.spec (modified)
	* trunk/server/fedora/specs/shadow-utils.spec.patch (deleted)
	* trunk/server/fedora/specs/zephyr.spec (copied)
	* trunk/server/fedora/specs/zhm.init (copied)

	Merge Fedora 13 development back to trunk.

Sat, 18 Sep 2010 06:18:29 GMT andersk [1657]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/rpm-master.sh (modified)

	rpm-master.sh: Fix fd redirections to what I actually said the first

Sat, 18 Sep 2010 01:48:31 GMT achernya [1656]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/rpm-master.sh (modified)

	Fixed redirection, problem as found by andersk

Fri, 17 Sep 2010 22:33:13 GMT achernya [1655]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/rpm-master.sh (modified)

	Addressed concerns about grep being sloppy, fixed redirects to not ...

Fri, 17 Sep 2010 21:14:07 GMT achernya [1654]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/rpm-master.sh (modified)

	Added grep to try and remove the extraneous lines from ssh

Mon, 13 Sep 2010 02:28:11 GMT ezyang [1651]
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/slides.nav (deleted)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/slides.out (deleted)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/slides.snm (deleted)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/slides.toc (deleted)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/slides.vrb (deleted)

	Remove autogenerated fiels.

Mon, 13 Sep 2010 01:34:43 GMT ezyang [1648]
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/AFS.tex (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/Aggregated-cps_www-month.png (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/Aggregated-cps_www-year-clip.png (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/Aggregated-cps_www-year.png (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/LDAP.tex (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/LVS.tex (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/backend.tex (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/closing.tex (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/contents.tex (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/httpdmods.tex (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/kerberos.tex (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/not-forward-cps_www-week.png (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/services.tex (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/slides.nav (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/slides.out (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/slides.snm (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/slides.tex (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/slides.toc (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/slides.vrb (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/standard-slide-include.sty (added)
	* trunk/locker/doc/cluedump/suexec.tex (added)

	Add cluedump slide sources to Subversion.

Sat, 11 Sep 2010 21:25:16 GMT achernya [1643]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/rpm-master.sh (modified)

	Updated grep to handle the newlines in missing.rpms file generated, ...

Sat, 11 Sep 2010 21:18:21 GMT achernya [1642]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/rpm-master.sh (modified)

	Fixed path in rpm-master.sh to rpmlist.sh

Sat, 11 Sep 2010 21:09:12 GMT achernya [1641]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/rpm-master.sh (modified)

	Changed rack-forward to scripts-director as suggested by quentin

Sat, 11 Sep 2010 21:06:40 GMT achernya [1640]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/rpm-master.sh (modified)
	* trunk/locker/sbin/rpmlist.sh (modified)

	Changed /bin/bash to /bin/sh and mailx to mail for rpm sync as ...

Sat, 11 Sep 2010 21:01:13 GMT achernya [1639]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/rpm-master.sh (added)
	* trunk/locker/sbin/rpmlist.sh (added)

	Fixed ticket 84, created system for checking if scripts servers are ...

Wed, 07 Jul 2010 06:01:41 GMT ezyang [1585]
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-start (modified)

	Desupport new installations of e107, phpical, advancedguest and ...

Sun, 06 Jun 2010 08:38:20 GMT adehnert [1572]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/check-ldap-cert.pl (moved)

	Check localhost, not all the web hosts

Sun, 06 Jun 2010 08:38:11 GMT adehnert [1571]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/check-ldap-certs.pl (modified)

	Print the local hostname from check-ldap-certs.pl

Sun, 06 Jun 2010 07:38:03 GMT adehnert [1570]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/ssl-get-endtime (modified)

	Oops, punt an unwanted echo line

Sun, 06 Jun 2010 07:35:41 GMT adehnert [1569]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/check-ldap-certs.pl (added)
	* trunk/locker/sbin/ssl-get-endtime (added)

	Add script to check LDAP cert expiration

Mon, 26 Apr 2010 22:22:18 GMT ezyang [1551]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/mediawiki-star (deleted)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/onathena-star (deleted)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/wordpress-star (deleted)

	Remove star scripts from production

Mon, 26 Apr 2010 22:18:07 GMT ezyang [1550]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/onathena (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/rails (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/trac (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/turbogears (modified)

	Do --record-only merge to fix mergeinfo.

Mon, 26 Apr 2010 22:11:26 GMT ezyang [1549]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/rails (modified)

	Update rails mergeinfo (revert obliterated the update.)

Mon, 26 Apr 2010 22:08:36 GMT ezyang [1547]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/phpical (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/trac (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/turbogears (modified)

	Merge adehnert's phpical changes, update mergeinfo.

Mon, 29 Mar 2010 04:18:28 GMT mitchb [1530]
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-remove (modified)

	Teach scripts-remove about locker.scripts.mit.edu URLs

Tue, 23 Mar 2010 04:12:51 GMT mitchb [1515]
	* trunk/locker/bin/crontab (added)

	Put the initial user crontab under revision control

Tue, 23 Mar 2010 02:39:54 GMT mitchb [1514]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/trac (modified)

	Fix Trac's git browser plugin in autoinstalls

	Closes Trac #85

Tue, 23 Mar 2010 02:26:20 GMT mitchb [1513]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/onathena (modified)

	Make autoinstallers use ATHENA_USER instead of USER

	Closes Trac ...

Fri, 26 Feb 2010 07:25:25 GMT mitchb [1497]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/onathena (modified)

	Support out-of-locker autoinstallers

	This parameterizes the locker ...

Wed, 24 Feb 2010 04:21:42 GMT mitchb [1488]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/rails (modified)

	Various tweaks to rails autoreloading code

	o Don't watch all of ...

Sat, 20 Feb 2010 09:49:33 GMT mitchb [1480]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/turbogears (modified)

	Hit the turbo button and make those gears spin!

Sat, 20 Feb 2010 09:31:08 GMT mitchb [1479]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/turbogears (modified)

	* Don't put SQL passwords in command-line arguments.
	* When using ...

Tue, 26 Jan 2010 15:09:36 GMT mitchb [1442]
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-minimal (modified)

	Deploy clarifications to the fascist locker signup error message ...

Tue, 26 Jan 2010 04:42:46 GMT mitchb [1440]
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-sql (modified)
	* trunk/locker/sql/bin/save-password (modified)

	Make the sql signup's .my.cnf symlink relative
	(Merge of r1437:1439 ...

Wed, 20 Jan 2010 04:32:33 GMT mitchb [1431]
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-minimal (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/signup-sql (modified)

	Fix signup-sql and the fascist locker error message in signup-minimal ...

Mon, 18 Jan 2010 07:32:17 GMT mitchb [1427]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/rails (modified)

	Make rails autoinstaller executable
	 Execute ze script.
	 But I am ...

Mon, 18 Jan 2010 07:24:22 GMT mitchb [1426]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/rails (modified)

	Deploy enhancements to Ruby on Rails autoinstaller
	This pulls in ...

Wed, 13 Jan 2010 06:26:44 GMT ezyang [1422]
	* trunk/locker/bin/disable-scripts-test (added)
	* trunk/locker/bin/enable-scripts-test (added)
	* trunk/locker/bin/firefox-test (added)
	* trunk/locker/bin/fix-php-ini-scripts (added)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/turbogears (added)
	* trunk/locker/sbin/get-ldap-admins (added)
	* trunk/locker/sbin/vhostadd (added)
	* trunk/locker/sbin/vhostedit (added)

	Add a number of unversioned files from production.

Wed, 13 Jan 2010 06:09:31 GMT ezyang [1421]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/onathena (modified)

	Fix broken autoinstalls due to lack of tarball.

	Merging r1417 ...

Wed, 13 Jan 2010 05:08:55 GMT ezyang [1417]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/onathena (modified)

	Push Wizard code.

Wed, 13 Jan 2010 05:07:31 GMT ezyang [1416]
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-rails (modified)

	Restore missing executable bit in trunk.

Tue, 29 Dec 2009 07:18:33 GMT ezyang [1404]
	* trunk/locker/bin (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-mediawiki (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-ssh (modified)
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-wordpress (modified)

	Merged up to r1403 from locker-dev to trunk.

Sun, 27 Dec 2009 10:43:52 GMT andersk [1401]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/commit-email.pl (modified)

	commit-email.pl: Run in UTF-8 locale.

Sun, 27 Dec 2009 10:43:50 GMT andersk [1400]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/commit-email.pl (modified)
	* trunk/locker/sbin/commit-zephyr (modified)

	Update commit-email.pl and commit-zephyr from upstream.

Wed, 23 Dec 2009 17:11:32 GMT ezyang [1389]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/parallel-find.pl (modified)

	Make git describe more resilient, and prune .scripts-version when ...

Wed, 23 Dec 2009 01:41:53 GMT quentin [1388]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/parallel-find.pl (modified)

	Don't pass strings with newlines around

Wed, 23 Dec 2009 01:08:57 GMT ezyang [1387]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/parallel-find.pl (modified)

	Add missing newline.

Tue, 22 Dec 2009 23:53:05 GMT ezyang [1386]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/parallel-find.pl (modified)

	More bugsquishing; I think it works now.

Tue, 22 Dec 2009 23:26:15 GMT ezyang [1385]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/parallel-find.pl (modified)

	Bugfixes for parallel-find.

Tue, 22 Dec 2009 23:05:14 GMT ezyang [1384]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/parallel-find.pl (modified)

	Make parallel find /actually/ work with Wizard autoinstalls.

Tue, 08 Dec 2009 05:09:17 GMT quentin [1375]
	* trunk/locker/bin/for-each-server (modified)

	Make for-each-server work on Darwin

Mon, 07 Dec 2009 04:13:16 GMT ezyang [1372]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/parallel-find.pl (modified)

	Print lockfile name.

Mon, 07 Dec 2009 04:11:44 GMT ezyang [1371]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/parallel-find.pl (modified)

	Fix some tab/space problems, add missing parameter to unlock_and_die.

Mon, 07 Dec 2009 04:08:35 GMT dwilson [1370]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/parallel-find.pl (modified)

	trac #70 - parallel-find enhancement

Mon, 07 Dec 2009 01:26:45 GMT mitchb [1369]
	* trunk/locker/doc/tickets/rt.txt (modified)

	Clarifications about RT zephyrbot and To/Cc fields

Sun, 06 Dec 2009 21:36:11 GMT ezyang [1367]
	* trunk/locker/doc/tickets/rt.txt (modified)

	Add comment about lock/unlock conventions.

Sun, 06 Dec 2009 21:34:02 GMT ezyang [1366]
	* trunk/locker/doc/tickets/rt.txt (modified)

	Add more complete information about using the zephyrbot.

Tue, 01 Dec 2009 21:34:46 GMT adehnert [1364]
	* trunk/locker/doc/tickets/cnames.txt (modified)

	Added the stella command lines to cnames.txt

Tue, 01 Dec 2009 21:09:07 GMT adehnert [1363]
	* trunk/locker/doc/tickets/cnames.txt (modified)

	Clarifications and updates to cnames.txt

Thu, 08 Oct 2009 05:38:24 GMT mitchb [1336]
	* trunk/locker/bin/for-each-server (modified)

	Make for-each-server work on Suns
	Look, I know nobody else *thinks* ...

Mon, 14 Sep 2009 18:19:20 GMT mitchb [1324]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/django (modified)

	Fix the django autoinstaller?  Who, me?
	When they upgraded from 1.0 ...

Fri, 04 Sep 2009 18:42:30 GMT geofft [1313]
	* trunk/locker/sql/bin/get-password (modified)

	Make the [mysql] to [client] change everywhere that writes .my.cnf

Fri, 04 Sep 2009 18:08:32 GMT geofft [1312]
	* trunk/locker/sql/bin/save-password (modified)

	Use [client] header instead of [mysql] in .my.cnf

	This unbreaks ...

Sun, 16 Aug 2009 09:06:27 GMT mitchb [1298]
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-rails (added)
	* trunk/locker/bin/scripts-start (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/rails (added)

	Deploy Ruby on Rails autoinstaller
	(Merge of r1294:1297 from ...

Sat, 01 Aug 2009 07:20:35 GMT ezyang [1285]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/parallel-find.pl (modified)

	Implement searching for Wizard autoinstalls.

Fri, 31 Jul 2009 09:08:28 GMT mitchb [1284]
	* trunk/locker/sbin/parallel-find.pl (modified)

	Do not let parallel-find skip non-athena-cell lockers
	We have many ...

Sun, 26 Jul 2009 06:09:48 GMT mitchb [1281]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/django (modified)

	Fix spacing and detabify django autoinstaller
	I tried to convince ...

Sun, 26 Jul 2009 05:29:34 GMT geofft [1280]
	* trunk/locker/bin/for-each-server (added)

	Little script to ssh to each active LVS realserver in turn

Sat, 25 Jul 2009 05:52:49 GMT mitchb [1279]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/django (modified)

	Stop telling Django users to touch index.fcgi; it never worked anyway

Sat, 25 Jul 2009 05:34:06 GMT mitchb [1278]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/django (modified)

	Make Django autoreloads actually work, without even touching

Fri, 10 Jul 2009 02:17:19 GMT ezyang [1261]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/trac (modified)

	Fix broken trac installer from FC11.

	I removed the templates ...

Thu, 02 Jul 2009 22:50:15 GMT quentin [1231]
	* trunk/locker/bin/fix-php-ini (modified)

	Also don't create php.ini symlinks inside subdirectories of .git or

Thu, 02 Jul 2009 22:42:26 GMT quentin [1230]
	* trunk/locker/bin/fix-php-ini (modified)

	Don't create php.ini files inside svn or git directories

Wed, 01 Jul 2009 15:57:54 GMT ezyang [1222]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/advancedbook (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/advancedpoll (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/django (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/e107 (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/gallery2 (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/joomla (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/mediawiki (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/mediawiki-star (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/phpbb (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/phpical (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/trac (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/wordpress (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/wordpress-star (modified)

	Fix incorrect including of production onserver.pm when scriptsdev=dev ...

Wed, 01 Jul 2009 00:46:04 GMT ezyang [1217]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/mediawiki (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/onathena (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/onserver.pm (modified)

	Reverted changes improperly checked into trunk and not a development ...

Wed, 01 Jul 2009 00:37:53 GMT ezyang [1216]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/onathena (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/onserver.pm (modified)

	Move copy functionality onto scripts server to remove dependence on ...

Tue, 30 Jun 2009 20:54:48 GMT ezyang [1215]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/mediawiki (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/onathena (modified)
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/onserver.pm (modified)

	Implement enhanced logic for Git-style installs; namely, removing ...

Tue, 30 Jun 2009 04:14:37 GMT ezyang [1213]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/onathena (modified)

	Convert MediaWiki to use Git to setup the working directory.

Wed, 24 Jun 2009 04:40:51 GMT mitchb [1207]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/joomla (modified)

	Complete overhaul of Joomla autoinstaller for version 1.5.11

Fri, 12 Jun 2009 05:35:28 GMT andersk [1188]
	* trunk/locker/bin/webaccess (modified)

	webaccess: No more chmod 777 .ht*.

Sat, 16 May 2009 05:03:28 GMT mitchb [1129]
	* trunk/locker/deploy/bin/phpbb (modified)

	Update phpBB autoinstaller to 3.0.4

Sun, 10 May 2009 18:27:18 GMT mitchb [1119]
	* trunk (copied)

	Restructure so trunk of the repo is at /trunk, not / (part 1)

Fri, 08 May 2009 07:38:24 GMT mitchb [1116]
	* locker/bin/scripts-gallery2 (modified)
	* locker/deploy/bin/gallery2 (modified)
	* locker/deploy/bin/gallery2-star (deleted)

	Fix Gallery2 autoinstaller.  Don't have separate star/non-star ...