14 years |
achernya |
Bring known_hosts under version control
Bring the known_hosts file ...
14 years |
adehnert |
Add the git autoinstaller (Trac: #197)
14 years |
adehnert |
Swap the ordering of Joomla and Trac
This order feels more logical... ...
14 years |
adehnert |
Punt the phpical autoinstaller
It was never terribly popular, ...
14 years |
adehnert |
Remove the advanced{poll,book} and e107 installers
They were never (I ...
14 years |
adehnert |
Merge locker-dev to trunk
14 years |
adehnert |
Use firefox -no-remote
This was an uncommitted change in the locker.
14 years |
andersk |
trac: Mangle HTTP_REFERER to let the login link keep you on the same ...
14 years |
ezyang |
Revert incorrect stanza for disabling signups.
14 years |
ezyang |
Restore PHP iCalendar
14 years |
ezyang |
Add signup disabling stanza, say fs setacl not fs sa.
14 years |
ezyang |
Restore r1692.
14 years |
ezyang |
Restore r1686.
14 years |
ezyang |
Merge Fedora 13 development back to trunk.
15 years |
ezyang |
Desupport new installations of e107, phpical, advancedguest and ...
15 years |
mitchb |
Teach scripts-remove about locker.scripts.mit.edu URLs
scripts-start ...
15 years |
mitchb |
Put the initial user crontab under revision control
15 years |
mitchb |
Deploy clarifications to the fascist locker signup error message ...
15 years |
mitchb |
Make the sql signup's .my.cnf symlink relative
(Merge of r1437:1439 ...
15 years |
mitchb |
Fix signup-sql and the fascist locker error message in signup-minimal ...
15 years |
ezyang |
Add a number of unversioned files from production.
15 years |
ezyang |
Restore missing executable bit in trunk.
15 years |
ezyang |
Merged up to r1403 from locker-dev to trunk.
15 years |
quentin |
Make for-each-server work on Darwin
15 years |
mitchb |
Make for-each-server work on Suns
Look, I know nobody else *thinks* ...
16 years |
mitchb |
Deploy Ruby on Rails autoinstaller
(Merge of r1294:1297 from ...
16 years |
geofft |
Little script to ssh to each active LVS realserver in turn
16 years |
quentin |
Also don't create php.ini symlinks inside subdirectories of .git or .svn
16 years |
quentin |
Don't create php.ini files inside svn or git directories
16 years |
andersk |
webaccess: No more chmod 777 .ht*.
16 years |
mitchb |
Restructure so trunk of the repo is at /trunk, not / (part 1)
copied from locker/bin:
16 years |
mitchb |
Fix Gallery2 autoinstaller. Don't have separate star/non-star ...