16 years |
mitchb |
Use the django media directory from the RPM, not the egg.
Silly me... ...
16 years |
mitchb |
Provide autoinstalled Djangos with /__scripts/django/media for admin CSS
16 years |
andersk |
Add scripts-vhosts.
16 years |
andersk |
Add and scripts-vhosts.mit.edu.
16 years |
andersk |
Use the local LDAP server (as is already the case on both servers).
16 years |
quentin |
Add localhost to the list of scripts names
17 years |
geofft |
Oops, missed scripts-test's IP.
17 years |
geofft |
Update names for scripts[1-4]
17 years |
geofft |
mod_status is a serious privacy violation.
17 years |
andersk |
Turn on KeepAlive for SSL and increase timeouts, to avoid pathological ...
17 years |
geofft |
Add rebecca to sudoers.
17 years |
andersk |
Revert r681; this doesn't actually work.
17 years |
andersk |
Drop to nobody in case of a terrible mod_vhost_ldap disaster.
17 years |
andersk |
Convert framewrapper vhosts to real vhosts in LDAP.
17 years |
quentin |
Move the heartbeat script to /__scripts/heartbeat so we can serve it ...
17 years |
andersk |
17 years |
andersk |
Prevent vhost access controls from applying to /__scripts.
17 years |
andersk |
Modularize the redirect-to-certs kludge so that users just need to say ...
17 years |
andersk |
Add b-m and o-f aliases.
17 years |
andersk |
Make work, for Munin monitoring.
17 years |
andersk |
ou=vhosts -> ou=VirtualHosts.
17 years |
geofft |
more ldap chocolatey goodness
17 years |
geofft |
prelim ldap stuff
17 years |
geofft |
prelim ldap stuff
17 years |
quentin |
Enable munin apache graphing by turning on server-status
17 years |
andersk |
SSLVerifyClient optional.
17 years |
andersk |
Add www.* names for non-mit.edu fake vhosts.
17 years |
andersk |
Make lombana a real vhost.
17 years |
andersk |
Enable mod_auth_optional.
17 years |
andersk |
Allow mod_auth_sslcert configuration to be overridden in .htaccess.
18 years |
quentin |
made scripts.mit.edu the default vhost instead of vhosts.mit.edu; ...
18 years |
andersk |
I was going to move SSLVerifyDepth 1 to vhosts-common-ssl.conf so ...
18 years |
andersk |
Accept certificates on port 444.
18 years |
andersk |
Modularize scripts.mit.edu main vhost, and fix favicon.ico and ...
18 years |
geofft |
Debugging an HTTPS problem...
18 years |
andersk |
* Complete alias list for main SSL vhost.
* /heartbeat should only be ...
18 years |
geofft |
Include file to enable certificate authentication
18 years |
andersk |
Include common config files vhosts-common.conf and ...
18 years |
presbrey |
auth_sslcert configuration