- TO TEMPORARILY DISABLE HEARTBEAT: on an existing node, run crm_attribute -n is_managed_default -v false - confirm that the change occurred with crm_attribute -n is_managed_default -G - Install Debian 4.0 from a minimal Debian install CD - Edit lvs/config/etc/ha.d/ha.cf in SVN to add "node foo", where foo is the new machine's hostname as reported by uname -n - Synchronize /etc out of SVN by running cd /; svn co https://scripts.mit.edu:1111/lvs/config/etc and moving files/directories out of the way as it checks out. - aptitude update; aptitude install heartbeat ldirectord; # should install version >= 2.1.2 - aptitude install munin-node - Copy /etc/ha.d/authkeys from an existing LVS node - svn up on each existing LVS node and then run /etc/init.d/heartbeat reload - Run /etc/init.d/heartbeat start on the new node - No services will be allocated to this node. To allocate scripts_LVS to it, run cibadmin -M -X ' ' - TO REENABLE HEARTBEAT, run crm_attribute -n is_managed_default -v true - Watch /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog to make sure heartbeat is working