from twisted.application import internet, service from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, defer from twisted.protocols import basic import ldap, ldap.filter import posixpath class WhoisProtocol(basic.LineReceiver): def lineReceived(self, hostname): (key, hostname) = hostname.split('=',2) if key != self.factory.key: self.transport.write("Unauthorized to use whois"+"\r\n") self.transport.loseConnection() else: self.factory.getWhois(hostname ).addErrback(lambda _: "Internal error in server" ).addCallback(lambda m: (self.transport.write(m+"\r\n"), self.transport.loseConnection())) class WhoisFactory(protocol.ServerFactory): protocol = WhoisProtocol def __init__(self, ldap_URL, ldap_base, keyFile): self.ldap_URL = ldap_URL self.ldap = ldap.initialize(self.ldap_URL) self.ldap_base = ldap_base self.key = file(keyFile).read() def canonicalize(self, vhost): vhost = vhost.lower().rstrip(".") return vhost # if vhost.endswith(""): # return vhost # else: # return vhost + "" def searchLDAP(self, vhost): attrlist = ('scriptsVhostName', 'homeDirectory', 'scriptsVhostDirectory', 'uid') results = self.ldap.search_st(self.ldap_base, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, ldap.filter.filter_format( '(|(scriptsVhostName=%s)(scriptsVhostAlias=%s))', (vhost,)*2), attrlist=attrlist, timeout=5) if len(results) >= 1: result = results[0] attrs = result[1] for attr in attrlist: attrs[attr] = attrs[attr][0] return attrs else: return None def getWhois(self, vhost): vhost = self.canonicalize(vhost) info = None tries = 0 while (tries < 3) and not info: tries += 1 try: info = self.searchLDAP(vhost) break except (ldap.TIMEOUT, ldap.SERVER_DOWN): self.ldap.unbind() self.ldap = ldap.initialize(self.ldap_URL) if info: ret = "Hostname: %s\nAlias: %s\nLocker: %s\nDocument Root: %s" % \ (info['scriptsVhostName'], vhost, info['uid'], posixpath.join(info['homeDirectory'], 'web_scripts', info['scriptsVhostDirectory'])) elif tries == 3: ret = "The whois server is experiencing problems looking up LDAP records.\nPlease contact for help if this problem persists." else: ret = "No such hostname" return defer.succeed(ret) application = service.Application('whois', uid=99, gid=99) factory = WhoisFactory( "ldap://localhost", "ou=VirtualHosts,dc=scripts,dc=mit,dc=edu", "/etc/whoisd-password") internet.TCPServer(43, factory).setServiceParent( service.IServiceCollection(application))