# Find any vhost with a name or alias matching the domain of the e-mail # address. We're queried with only the domain portion to determine whether # we accept mail at all for a given domain. If we have no matching vhost # and return no records, Postfix will reject mail with a "Relay access denied" # error, unless the domain is configured in $mydestination. We don't match # the scripts.mit.edu vhost here because otherwise it'll be treated as a # virtual alias domain and once we resolve an address to a scripts account, # we'll end up resolving the locker@scripts.mit.edu address to go to the # owners of the scripts.mit.edu vhost. The value we return (if we return # anything at all) is supposedly arbitrary. We choose to return the same # value we were queried with (the domain whose mail we host). Protocol # version 3 is necessary to use ldapi. server_host = ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fdirsrv%2fslapd-scripts.socket/ search_base = ou=VirtualHosts,dc=scripts,dc=mit,dc=edu query_filter = (&(objectClass=scriptsVhost)(|(scriptsVhostName=%s)(scriptsVhostAlias=%s))(!(scriptsVhostName=scripts.mit.edu))) result_attribute = scriptsVhostName result_format = %S bind = no version = 3