RT TRICKS To edit stuff like ticket status, click "Basic" in the left. Note the multiple ways to search for tickets: you can click "All {new,open,waiting} Scripts Tickets" on the home page in the center, or "Scripts" on the right in the list of queues. You should take a look in "Preferences" at the left. Make sure "Notify yourself of own updates" is on. You can also set the "Default Working Queue" to Scripts, and give yourself a signature referring to scripts@mit.edu. Another useful option here is to set a password, so you don't need certs to log in (and so you can use the zephyrbot). The zephyrbot will take commands to -c scripts -i [ticket number] of the form /set status=resolved or /set owner=geofft. You need to drop a file in /mit/geofft/web_scripts/rt/rt-passwords by your username with the format: "username" "yourawesomepassword" And then ask geofft (zwrite geofft) to restart the RT bot. The RT bot will post ticket notifications as -c scripts -i nnn. If you are responding to a ticket, it is conventional to post "lock" to the appropriate instance, so others know not to pre-empt you. You should post "unlock" once you are done handling the ticket. You can also place these commands on a line by themselves inside e-mail; they will be acted upon and removed before the e-mail gets sent back out. Don't use the To field, it doesn't work. If you want to send the ticket somewhere else, use CC. Don't CC other RT queues, it doesn't work. If you really need to, use your e-mail client to forward it and remove the [help.mit.edu #nnn] tag. E-mail to scripts-comment that carries a [help.mit.edu #nnn] tag will be included in the ticket history for the scripts team to see, but will not be sent to the user. You can use this for asking "Help, what do I do here?"