[2305] | 1 | {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} |
| 2 | |
| 3 | -- POSIX only |
| 4 | |
| 5 | import Prelude hiding (catch) |
| 6 | |
| 7 | import Data.Char |
| 8 | import Data.List |
| 9 | import Data.Maybe |
| 10 | |
| 11 | import Control.Arrow |
| 12 | import Control.Monad |
| 13 | import Control.Applicative |
| 14 | import Control.Concurrent |
| 15 | import Control.Concurrent.MVar |
| 16 | import Control.Concurrent.STM |
| 17 | import Control.Exception |
| 18 | |
| 19 | import System.FilePath |
| 20 | import System.Process |
| 21 | import System.IO |
| 22 | import System.Directory |
| 23 | import System.Exit |
| 24 | import System.Posix hiding (createDirectory) |
| 25 | |
| 26 | destdir = "/mit/scripts/sec-tools/store/versions" |
| 27 | |
| 28 | whenM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m () |
| 29 | whenM p x = p >>= \b -> if b then x else return () |
| 30 | |
| 31 | -- A simple semaphore implementation on a TVar Int. Don't recursively |
| 32 | -- call this while in a limit; you will be sad. |
| 33 | limit :: TVar Int -> IO a -> IO a |
| 34 | limit pool m = do |
| 35 | atomically $ do |
| 36 | i <- readTVar pool |
| 37 | check (i > 0) |
| 38 | writeTVar pool (i - 1) |
| 39 | m `finally` atomically (readTVar pool >>= writeTVar pool . (+1)) |
| 40 | |
| 41 | -- These are cribbed off http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/5.00/set/sec-ghc-concurrency.html |
| 42 | -- but with less unsafePerformIO |
| 43 | |
| 44 | -- Fork and register a child, so that it can be waited on |
| 45 | forkChild :: MVar [MVar ()] -> IO () -> IO () |
| 46 | forkChild children m = do |
| 47 | c <- newEmptyMVar |
| 48 | forkIO (m `finally` putMVar c ()) |
| 49 | cs <- takeMVar children |
| 50 | putMVar children (c:cs) |
| 51 | |
| 52 | -- Wait on all children |
| 53 | waitForChildren :: MVar [MVar ()] -> IO () |
| 54 | waitForChildren children = do |
| 55 | cs' <- takeMVar children |
| 56 | case cs' of |
| 57 | [] -> return () |
| 58 | (c:cs) -> do |
| 59 | putMVar children cs |
| 60 | takeMVar c |
| 61 | waitForChildren children |
| 62 | |
| 63 | -- Check if we have permissions |
| 64 | checkPerm :: TVar Int -> FilePath -> IO Bool |
| 65 | checkPerm pool base = ("system:scripts-security-upd rlidwk" `isInfixOf`) <$> exec pool "fs" ["listacl", base] |
| 66 | |
| 67 | newVersion pool cn base = do |
| 68 | stdout <- exec pool "sudo" ["-u", cn, "git", "--git-dir", base </> ".git", "describe", "--tags", "--always"] |
| 69 | -- XXX null stdout is an error condition, should say something |
| 70 | return (if null stdout then stdout else init stdout) -- munge off trailing newline |
| 71 | oldVersion base = |
| 72 | -- XXX empty file is an error condition, should say something |
| 73 | last . lines <$> readFile (base </> ".scripts-version") |
| 74 | |
[2306] | 75 | writeOut handle_mvar base r = |
| 76 | withMVar handle_mvar $ \handle -> do |
| 77 | let line = base ++ ":" ++ r ++ "\n" |
| 78 | putStr line |
| 79 | hPutStr handle line |
[2305] | 80 | |
| 81 | exec :: TVar Int -> String -> [String] -> IO String |
| 82 | exec pool bin args = do |
| 83 | (_, stdout, _) <- limit pool $ readProcessWithExitCode bin args "" |
| 84 | return stdout |
| 85 | |
| 86 | main = do |
| 87 | let lockfile = destdir ++ ".lock" |
| 88 | (_, host, _) <- readProcessWithExitCode "hostname" [] "" |
| 89 | pid <- getProcessID |
| 90 | whenM (doesFileExist lockfile) (error "Another parallel-find already in progress") |
| 91 | -- XXX if we lose the race the error message isn't as good |
| 92 | bracket_ (openFd lockfile WriteOnly (Just 0o644) (defaultFileFlags {exclusive = True}) |
| 93 | >>= fdToHandle |
| 94 | >>= \h -> hPutStrLn h (host ++ " " ++ show pid) >> hClose h) |
| 95 | (removeFile lockfile) |
| 96 | (prepare >> parfind) |
| 97 | |
| 98 | prepare = do |
| 99 | whenM (doesDirectoryExist destdir) $ do |
| 100 | uniq <- show <$> epochTime |
| 101 | -- XXX does the wrong thing if you lose the race |
| 102 | renameDirectory destdir (destdir ++ uniq) |
| 103 | createDirectory destdir |
| 104 | |
| 105 | parfind = do |
[2306] | 106 | findpool <- newTVarIO 50 |
| 107 | pool <- newTVarIO 10 -- git/fs gets its own pool so they don't starve |
[2305] | 108 | children <- newMVar [] |
| 109 | userlines <- lines <$> readFile "/mit/scripts/admin/backup/userlist" |
| 110 | let userdirs = filter ((/= "dn:") . fst) -- XXX should be done by generator of userlist |
| 111 | . catMaybes |
| 112 | . map (\s -> second tail -- proof obligation discharged by elemIndex |
| 113 | . (`splitAt` s) |
| 114 | <$> elemIndex ' ' s) |
| 115 | $ userlines |
| 116 | forM_ userdirs $ \(cn, homedir) -> forkChild children $ do |
[2306] | 117 | subchildren <- newMVar [] |
[2305] | 118 | let scriptsdir = homedir </> "web_scripts" |
[2306] | 119 | matches <- lines <$> exec findpool "find" [scriptsdir, "-xdev", "-name", ".scripts-version", "-o", "-name", ".scripts"] |
| 120 | withFile (destdir </> cn) WriteMode $ \h -> do |
| 121 | mh <- newMVar h |
| 122 | forM_ matches $ \dir -> forkChild subchildren . handle (\(SomeException e) -> putStrLn (dir ++ ": " ++ show e)) $ do |
| 123 | let base = takeDirectory dir |
| 124 | whenM (checkPerm pool base) $ do |
| 125 | if ".scripts" `isSuffixOf` dir |
| 126 | then newVersion pool cn base >>= writeOut mh base |
| 127 | else whenM (not <$> doesDirectoryExist (base </> ".scripts")) $ oldVersion base >>= writeOut mh base |
| 128 | waitForChildren subchildren |
[2305] | 129 | waitForChildren children |