#!/usr/bin/python import os, os.path, sys from trac.web import fcgi_frontend import urlparse env_path = os.getcwd()+'/tracdata' os.environ['TRAC_ENV'] = env_path def send_upgrade_message(environ, start_response): import pwd start_response('500 Internal Server Error', []) locker = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] return ['''This Trac instance needs to be upgraded. From an Athena machine, type ssh %s@scripts trac-admin %s upgrade --no-backup ssh %s@scripts trac-admin %s wiki upgrade to upgrade, and then add scripts for-each-server -l %s pkill trac.fcgi to get this message out of the way. Please ask the scripts.mit.edu maintainers for help if you have any trouble, at scripts@mit.edu. ''' % (locker, env_path, locker, env_path, locker)] def setup_env(): '''Obtain the environment, handling the needs-upgrade check, and cache it. This mimics open_environment in trac/env.py.''' import trac.env env = trac.env.Environment(env_path) needs_upgrade = False try: needs_upgrade = env.needs_upgrade() except Exception, e: # e.g. no database connection env.log.exception(e) if env.needs_upgrade(): fcgi_frontend._fcgi.WSGIServer(send_upgrade_message).run() sys.exit(0) if hasattr(trac.env, 'env_cache'): trac.env.env_cache[env_path] = env setup_env() def my_dispatch_request(environ, start_response): if ('REDIRECT_URL' in environ and 'PATH_INFO' in environ and environ['REDIRECT_URL'].endswith(environ['PATH_INFO'])): environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = environ['REDIRECT_URL'][:-len(environ['PATH_INFO'])] # If the referrer has our hostname and path, rewrite it to have # the right protocol and port, too. This lets the login link go # to the right page. if 'HTTP_REFERER' in environ: referrer = urlparse.urlsplit(environ['HTTP_REFERER']) base = urlparse.urlsplit( ('https://' if environ.get('HTTPS') == 'on' else 'http://') + environ['HTTP_HOST'] + environ['SCRIPT_NAME']) if referrer.hostname == base.hostname and \ (referrer.path == base.path or referrer.path.startswith(base.path + '/')): environ['HTTP_REFERER'] = urlparse.urlunsplit( (base.scheme, base.netloc, referrer.path, referrer.query, referrer.fragment)) return fcgi_frontend.dispatch_request(environ, start_response) fcgi_frontend._fcgi.WSGIServer(my_dispatch_request).run()