#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use lib '/mit/scripts/deploy/bin'; use onserver; setup(); print "\nPlease decide upon a title for your wiki and enter it below.\n"; print "Desired title: "; my $title=; chomp($title); my $html = fetch_uri( 'config/index.php', {}, {Sitename => $title, EmergencyContact => $email, LanguageCode => 'en', DBserver => $sqlhost, DBname => $sqldb, DBuser => $sqluser, DBpassword => $sqlpass, DBpassword2 => $sqlpass, defaultEmail => $email, SysopName => $admin_username, SysopPass => $admin_password, SysopPass2 => $admin_password}); unless ($html =~ /Installation successful/) { print STDERR "ERROR: Automatic MediaWiki configuration failed. You will need to configure\nyour MediaWiki manually, or email scripts\@mit.edu for help.\n"; exit; } `cp config/LocalSettings.php .`;