#!/bin/bash docnagios() { echo q | env TERM=ansi LINES=1000 COLUMNS=80 /usr/local/nagios/bin/cnagios -b "$@" | sed 's/ \[B/\n/g; s/ /\n/g' | perl -pe ' s/^.*(?=sipb-nagios)//; # remove garbage at beginning s/(.)\\[(\d+)b/$1x($2+1)/ge; # (\d+)b means repeat previous character n times s/\\[(\d+)d//g; # absolute go to line; ignored 1 while s/\\[(\d+)G/" "x($1-$-[0]-1)/e; # go to absolute horizontal position 1 while s/\\[\d+;(\d+)H/" "x($1-$-[0]-1)/e; # go to absolute position; line ignored ' } gethostgroups() { cat /etc/nagios3/*.cfg | perl -ne 'print if ( /^(\s*)define hostgroup [\{[]/ ... /[\}\]]/ )' | perl -ne 'm|hostgroup_name\s+(\S+)| and $name = $1; m|members\s+(.+)\s*$| and $members = $1; m|\}| and print "$name\t$members\n"' } gethgmembers() { gethostgroups | grep "^$1\t" | cut -f 2 -d " " | sed 's/,/\n/g' | perl -pe 's/\n/|/g' | sed 's/|$//' } read line case "$line" in status*) docnagios ;; broken*) docnagios -l w ;; load*) docnagios -g /LOAD/ ;; xvm*) docnagios -g "/$(gethgmembers "xvm.*")/" ;; *) cat <