#!/usr/athena/bin/perl use File::Spec::Functions; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; use Cwd; my ($redodelete, $redoadd, $redoreplace, $redodiff) = (0,0,0,0); GetOptions("redo-delete" => \$redodelete, "redo-add" => \$redoadd, "redo-replace" => \$redoreplace, "redo-diff" => \$redodiff, "redo-all" => sub {$redodelete = $redoadd = $redoreplace = $redodiff = 1;} ); if (@ARGV < 3) { print STDERR "Usage: $0 [--redo-{delete,add,replace,diff,all}] package oldversion newversion\n"; exit(1); } my ($package, $oldversion, $newversion) = @ARGV; my ($old, $new, $updatename) = ($package.'-'.$oldversion, $package.'-'.$newversion, $package.'-'.$oldversion.'-to-'.$newversion); my $outdir = $updatename.".proposal"; (-d $outdir || mkdir($outdir)) or die "mkdir($outdir) failed: $!"; my $olddir = catdir($outdir,$old); my $newdir = catdir($outdir,$new); unpackPackage($old, $olddir); unpackPackage($old, $newdir); sub unpackPackage($$) { my ($package, $dir) = @_; print "Extracting $package to $dir..."; if (-d $dir) { warn "$dir already exists; assuming unpacking was successful"; return; } mkdir($dir) or die "mkdir($dir) failed: $!"; my $cwd = cwd(); chdir($dir) or die $!; `athrun scripts gtar zxf "/mit/scripts/deploy$scriptsdev/$package.tar.gz"`; $? && die "Failed to unpack $package.tar.gz: $?"; my @files=`athrun scripts gfind . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | grep -v .admin`; if (@files <= 1) { `athrun scripts gfind . -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 | xargs -i mv \{} .`; rmdir($files[0]); } chdir($cwd) or die "Couldn't return to $cwd"; print "done.\n"; } my @oldfiles = sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map { chomp; s|$olddir\/?||g; [split(' ', $_, 2)] } `athrun scripts gfind $olddir -type f | xargs -i md5sum \{}`; #print Dumper(\@oldfiles); my @newfiles = sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map { chomp; s|$newdir\/?||g; [split(' ', $_, 2)] } `athrun scripts gfind $newdir -type f | xargs -i md5sum \{}`; #print Dumper(\@newfiles); sub compareDirectories($$) { my ($alist, $blist) = @_; my @a = @$alist; my @b = @$blist; my @aonly, @bonly, @both; $a = $b = 0; my $debug = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0; while ($a <= $#a || $b <= $#a) { my $fa = $a[$a]; my $fb = $b[$b]; print STDERR "Comparing ".Dumper($fa, $fb)."\n" if $debug; if ($fa->[1] eq $fb->[1]) { # Same file exists on both print STDERR "Same file\n" if $debug; if ($fa->[0] ne $fb->[0]) { # File has changed in some way print STDERR "Different md5, pushing on \@both\n" if $debug; push(@both, [$fa->[1], $fa, $fb]); } $a++; $b++; # increment both counters } else { my $a2 = $a; while ($a2 <= $#a && $a[$a2]->[1] lt $fb->[1]) { $a2++; } if ($a2 <= $#a && $a[$a2]->[1] eq $fb->[1]) { for my $i ($a..$a2-1) { push @aonly, $a[$i]; } $a = $a2; } else { my $b2 = $b; while ($b2 <= $#b && $b[$b2]->[1] lt $fa->[1]) { $b2++; } if ($b2 <= $#b && $b[$b2]->[1] eq $fa->[1]) { for my $i ($b..$b2-1) { push @bonly, $b[$i]; } $b = $b2; } else { push @aonly, $a[$a]; push @bonly, $b[$b]; $a++; $b++; } } } } return (\@aonly, \@bonly, \@both); } my (@todelete, @toadd, @changed); my @comp = compareDirectories(\@oldfiles, \@newfiles); print Dumper(@comp); @todelete = @{$comp[0]}; @toadd = @{$comp[1]}; @changed = @{$comp[2]}; if ($redodelete or ! -e catfile($outdir, "files.delete")) { open(TODELETE, ">", catfile($outdir, "files.delete")) or die "Can't open files.delete: $!"; foreach my $file (@todelete) { printf TODELETE "%s %s\n", $file->[0], $file->[1]; } close(TODELETE); } if ($redoadd or ! -e catfile($outdir, "files.add")) { open(TOADD, ">", catfile($outdir, "files.add")) or die "Can't open files.add: $!"; foreach my $file (@toadd) { printf TOADD "%s # MD5 = %s\n", $file->[1], $file->[0]; } close(TOADD); } my @toreplace; my @topatch; foreach my $file (@changed) { if (-B catdir($newdir, $file->[0])) { push (@toreplace, $file); } else { push (@topatch, $file); } } if ($redoreplace or ! -e catfile($outdir, "files.replace")) { open(TOREPLACE, ">", catfile($outdir, "files.replace")) or die "Can't open files.replace: $!"; foreach my $file (@toreplace) { printf TOREPLACE "%s %s\n", $file->[2][0], $file->[0]; } close(TOREPLACE); }