#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib $Bin; use onserver; use Tie::File; use Cwd; setup(); sub make_db { my($type) = @_; print "\nCreating $type SQL database for $sname...\n"; open GETPWD, '-|', "/mit/scripts/sql/bin$scriptsdev/get-password"; ($sqlhost, $sqluser, $sqlpass) = split(/\s/, ); close GETPWD; open SQLDB, '-|', "/mit/scripts/sql/bin$scriptsdev/get-next-database", "${addrlast}_${type}"; $sqldb = ; close SQLDB; open SQLDB, '-|', "/mit/scripts/sql/bin$scriptsdev/create-database", $sqldb; $sqldb = ; close SQLDB; if($sqldb eq "") { print "\nERROR:\n"; print "Your SQL account failed to create a SQL database.\n"; print "You should log in at http://sql.mit.edu to check whether\n"; print "your SQL account is at its database limit or its storage limit.\n"; print "If you cannot determine the cause of the problem, please\n"; print "feel free to contact sql\@mit.edu for assistance.\n"; open FAILED, ">.failed"; close FAILED; exit 1; } return $sqldb; } my $dev_db = make_db("development"); my $test_db = make_db("test"); my $prod_db = make_db("production"); my $cwd = getcwd; system("rails", "new", $cwd ,"-d", "mysql"); my $appdir = `basename $cwd`; chomp $appdir; open APPLICATION_RB, "config/application.rb"; my $appclass; while() { if (/module (\w+)\n/) { $appclass = $1; last; } } close APPLICATION_RB; if (!$appclass) { open FAILED, ">.failed"; close FAILED; die "Couldn't find application class name - plase email scripts\@mit.edu with the names of your locker and the application you tried to create. Sorry!"; } open PUBLIC_HTACCESS, ">public/.htaccess"; print PUBLIC_HTACCESS <.htaccess"; print HTACCESS </; } untie @railswelcome; tie my @railsfcgi, 'Tie::File', 'public/dispatch.fcgi'; for (@railsfcgi) { s/^[^#]*RailsFCGIHandler/## Commented out by scripts.mit.edu autoinstaller\n## RailsFCGIHandler/; } untie @railsfcgi; open RAILSFCGI, ">>public/dispatch.fcgi"; print RAILSFCGI "#!/usr/bin/ruby\n"; print RAILSFCGI < ${appclass}::Application, "/" => ${appclass}::Application)) rescue => e dispatch_logger.error(e) raise e end end t2 = Thread.new do # List of directories to watch for changes before reload. # You may want to also watch public or vendor, depending on your needs. Thread.current[:watched_dirs] = ['app', 'config', 'db', 'lib'] # List of specific files to watch for changes. Thread.current[:watched_files] = ['public/dispatch.fcgi', 'public/.htaccess'] # Sample filter: /(\.rb|\.erb)\$/. Default filter: watch all files Thread.current[:watched_extensions] = // # Iterations since last reload Thread.current[:iterations] = 0 def modified(file) begin mtime = File.stat(file).mtime rescue false else if Thread.current[:iterations] == 0 Thread.current[:modifications][file] = mtime end Thread.current[:modifications][file] != mtime end end # Don't symlink yourself into a loop. Please. Things will still work # (Linux limits your symlink depth) but you will be sad def modified_dir(dir) Dir.new(dir).each do |file| absfile = File.join(dir, file) if FileTest.directory? absfile next if file == '.' or file == '..' return true if modified_dir(absfile) else return true if Thread.current[:watched_extensions] =~ absfile && modified(absfile) end end false end def reload Thread.current[:modifications] = {} Thread.current[:iterations] = 0 # This is a kludge, but at the same time it works. # Will kill the current FCGI process so that it is reloaded # at next request. raise RuntimeError end Thread.current[:modifications] = {} # Wait until the modify time changes, then reload. while true dir_modified = Thread.current[:watched_dirs].inject(false) {|z, dir| z || modified_dir(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', dir))} file_modified = Thread.current[:watched_files].inject(false) {|z, file| z || modified(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', file))} reload if dir_modified || file_modified Thread.current[:iterations] += 1 sleep 1 end end t1.join t2.join ## End of scripts.mit.edu autoinstaller additions EOF chmod 0755,'public/dispatch.fcgi'; # have to explicitly take a dependency on fcgi # ruby1.9 means we need to take a dependency on minitest # for rails console to work open GEMFILE, ">>Gemfile"; print GEMFILE "gem 'fcgi'\n"; print GEMFILE "gem 'minitest'\n"; close GEMFILE; print "Your application is located in:\n"; print " /mit/$USER/web_scripts/$addrend/\n"; print "To run programs like rake or script/generate, run\n"; print " 'ssh -k $USER\@scripts' and cd to the above directory.\n\n"; press_enter; exit 0;