[[!meta title="What do I need to use the service?"]] (If, at any point in this process, you become stuck or encounter a problem, feel free to contact us at scripts@mit.edu. We regularly help people get up-and-running using the service.) \1. You must have an [Athena account](http://web.mit.edu/olh/Register/) and understand the [MITnet rules of use](http://web.mit.edu/olh/Welcome/rules.html). You should also understand that users of the script service are responsible for ensuring the security of their content. If you install software from the web in your account, you are responsible for keeping that software up-to-date so that it is secure. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at scripts@mit.edu. \2. Run the commands in the shell script [/afs/athena.mit.edu/contrib/scripts/bin/signup-web](http://web.mit.edu/~scripts/bin/signup-web): (you can run these commands by typing “add scripts” [enter] then “signup-web” [enter] at an Athena command prompt) This script creates your web\_scripts directory and signs you up for the service. Your home directory must be listable by system:anyuser in order for the script service to work properly. (All Athena accounts are created with home directories that are listable by system:anyuser, and few users change this setting). \3. Place your web scripts and any supporting files in \~/web\_scripts and make sure that they follow these rules: If you want your scripts to be able to write data to subdirectories of your Athena home directory, you need to grant appropriate afs access to the user “daemon.scripts”. For example, **if you want your scripts to be able to write to a directory called DIRECTORY, you should run the command “fs sa DIRECTORY daemon.scripts write”** on Athena. See [Script Service AFS Details](http://scripts.mit.edu/afs_details.shtml) for more information. Looking at sample script code may help you get your scripts working: demo.pl: [see code](http://web.mit.edu/~jbarnold/web_scripts/demo/demo.pl.html) | [see output](http://scripts.mit.edu/~jbarnold/demo/demo.pl) demo.php: [see code](http://web.mit.edu/~jbarnold/web_scripts/demo/demo.php.html) | [see output](http://scripts.mit.edu/~jbarnold/demo/demo.php) demo.py: [see code](http://web.mit.edu/~jbarnold/web_scripts/demo/demo.py.html) | [see output](http://scripts.mit.edu/~jbarnold/demo/demo.py) \4. Use a URL of the form http://**scripts**.mit.edu/**\~**USER\_NAME/SCRIPT\_NAME to access your scripts. The URL must start with http://**scripts**.mit.edu (rather than http://web.mit.edu or http://www.mit.edu), and you must include the \~. You should not include web\_scripts in the URL path. \5. Add yourself to the scripts-announce mailing list by going to the [scripts-announce mailman page](https://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/scripts-announce) if you would like to receive announcements of major service changes and outages. The scripts-announce list is moderated and is low-volume.