[[!meta title="Trac autoinstaller"]] We’ve just added another [autoinstaller](http://scripts.mit.edu/start/) to our stable: [Trac](http://trac.edgewall.org/), the issue tracker everyone seems to use these days for software projects. You can get a Trac instance up and running for your own project in less than 60 seconds by typing $ add scripts $ scripts-trac from any Athena machine, and following the instructions. Like all autoinstalled software, Trac instances will be [automatically upgraded](http://scripts.mit.edu/faq/44) after the Trac upstream makes a new release. (*[see update below]* You can [turn this feature off](http://scripts.mit.edu/faq/44) if you want, and keep up with security upgrades on your own.) This brings the count of autoinstallable applications up to 9: advancedbook e107 gallery2 joomla mediawiki phpbb phpical trac wordpress You can read more about these applications on our [quick-start page](http://scripts.mit.edu/start/). **update**: In fact, because of the way Trac works, you can’t turn off autoupgrades in an autoinstalled Trac instance — there’s one central copy of the software on scripts.mit.edu, not a copy in each Trac instance. You can always do a manual install of the software if you really want to handle upgrades yourself.