[[!meta title="scripts.mit.edu Fedora 13 Transition"]] On Sunday, September 26, 2010, all of the [scripts.mit.edu](http://scripts.mit.edu/) servers will be upgraded from [Fedora 11](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/11) to [Fedora 13](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/13), which was released on May 25. We strongly encourage you to [test your website](/upgrade/133#f13-testing) as soon as possible, and to contact us at [scripts@mit.edu](mailto:scripts@mit.edu) or come to our office in W20-557 if you experience any problems. The easiest way to test your site is to run the following commands at an Athena workstation and then visit your website in the browser that opens, but [see this page](/upgrade/133) for more details and important information: `athena% add scripts` `athena% firefox-test`