[[!meta title="MIT SIPB Mail Script Service"]] The mail script service uses [procmail](http://www.google.com/search?q=procmail) allows people to set up scripts to process e-mail using an [Athena](http://web.mit.edu/ist/topics/athena/) account. Although this service has been designed with reliability in mind, it should not be used to run critical applications that cannot tolerate downtime. Your mail scripts will automatically process mail sent to YOUR_LOCKER_NAME@scripts.mit.edu or YOUR_LOCKER_NAME+ANY_TAG@scripts.mit.edu or ANY_TAG@YOUR_LOCKER_NAME.scripts.mit.edu If you have a non-MIT hostname served by scripts.mit.edu, your mail scripts will also process mail sent to ANY_TAG@YOUR_DOMAIN.com You can access the tag on a message from your procmailrc file by parsing the X-Original-To header or as the $1 variable. #### **To sign up for the service:** athena% add scripts athena% signup-mail (If you are confused about how to run the above commands on Athena, e-mail scripts@mit.edu for assistance. You must have an [Athena account](http://web.mit.edu/olh/Register/) and understand the [MITnet rules of use](http://web.mit.edu/olh/Welcome/rules.html) in order to use the service.) This signup process will create a **mail\_scripts** directory. Learn about [procmail](http://www.google.com/search?q=procmail) and modify your \~/mail\_scripts/procmailrc file to do whatever mail processing you desire. You may want to look at our sample files in [/mit/jbarnold/mail\_scripts](http://web.mit.edu/jbarnold/mail_scripts/). If your scripts need to write data, be sure to [give daemon.scripts the necessary access](http://scripts.mit.edu/faq/31/can-my-scripts-write-data-somewhere) in AFS. Finally, add yourself to the [scripts-announce mailing list](https://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/scripts-announce) if you would like to receive announcements of major service changes and outages. This list receives less than one e-mail per month on average. For more information, see our list of [Frequently Asked Questions](../faq/).