[[!meta title="What is .my.cnf? What is my sql.mit.edu password?"]] Your sql.mit.edu login information is in your locker, in the file “.my.cnf”. This is a hidden file (dotfile), so you will need to use **ls -a** instead of **ls** to see it. You can still view and edit the file just by specifying the filename. athena% **cd /mit/***locker* athena% **cat .my.cnf** [mysql] host=sql.mit.edu user=*username* password=*password* This file should be a link to “.sql/my.cnf” in your locker, and only accessible by the locker owner and the scripts server (regardless of whether the root of the locker is publicly readable or not). If you update your MySQL password on the [MIT SIPB MySQL interface](http://sql.mit.edu/), you will need to update this file manually with your new MySQL password. Otherwise, the [scripts auto-installers](/start), as well as the **mysql** command-line client, will not be able to log in properly. If you have already installed software, you will need to update the password there too (LocalSettings.php for MediaWiki, wp-config.php for WordPress, etc.) If you have lost your MySQL password and, it’s not in your .my.cnf file, you can reset it for your personal account by logging into [sql.mit.edu](http://sql.mit.edu/) with your MIT certificate. If you have lost the password for a group locker, please e-mail [sql@mit.edu](http://scripts.mit.edu/sql.mit.edu) for help getting it reset.