[[!meta title="Is language "foo" or software package "bar" installed?"]] If you’d like to check whether the service has certain software installed, you can [ssh to scripts.mit.edu](/faq/41) from an Athena computer (you must first have signed up for one of the script services). The service supports essentially any programming language with a Linux implementation. If you want to use a language (or language version) that is not installed on the server, you can either contact us at scripts@mit.edu (we might be able to install what you want) or you can use a [shebang line](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_(Unix)) (and provide your own binary in AFS). Since the server is running Linux, custom shebang lines must point to Linux-compatible executables. Here’s a shebang line demo: [code](http://web.mit.edu/~jbarnold/web_scripts/demo/demo.cgi.html) | [output](http://scripts.mit.edu/~jbarnold/demo/demo.cgi) We also have instructions for [installing Python libraries into your locker](/faq/126/).