[[!meta title="Can I add a vhost before I point my domain at scripts?"]] The easiest approach is simply to [point the domain at scripts](http://scripts.mit.edu/faq/14/do-cnames-work-with-the-script-service) *before* you set it up, but if you wish to migrate a currently active website, you may want to have the vhost set up on scripts before changing the DNS to avoid interruption. If you want to do this, scripts will require that you create a file in the root directory of your existing website. For instance, if you are trying to add the domain “example.com” and it asks for the file “scripts\_870shdfs8.html”, you should make sure that http://example.com/scripts\_870shdfs8.html exists (though its content is irrelevant). If you want to use a wildcard (e.g. \*.example.com), you should make sure that *all* subdomains matching the wildcard point to the same place, and contain the file listed – for instance, for \*.example.com, a.example.com, b.example.com and c.example.com should all contain the file.