[[!meta title="How do I make IPython or manage.py shell work on scripts.mit.edu?"]] IPython, a nicer interactive Python shell that is, among other things, used by Django’s “manage.py shell” command, doesn’t work by default on scripts.mit.edu because it isn’t able to write to your \~/.ipython directory. Assuming you don’t already use IPython on Athena, you can create a \~/.ipython directory that will work on scripts as follows, replacing LOCKER with the name of your locker: - Create a temporary \~/.ipython directory and make it accessible to scripts via **mkdir /mit/**LOCKER**/.ipython** **fs sa /mit/**LOCKER**/.ipython daemon.scripts write** - [Log in to scripts](http://scripts.mit.edu/faq/41/) (ssh LOCKER@scripts) and run **ipython**. Because the .ipython directory exists and is writable, ipython will be able to start, but will not configure itself completely. - Run the command **\_\_IP.user\_setup(?/mit/LOCKER/web\_scripts/.ipython?,??,?install?)** to create a completely-configured default IPython setup in your web\_scripts directory, which is writable from scripts.mit.edu. - Log out of scripts. Remove the temporary \~/.ipython directory and move the real one in place with **rm -r /mit/**LOCKER**/.ipython** **mv /mit/**LOCKER**/web\_scripts/.ipython /mit/**LOCKER