[[!meta title="Home Page"]] **scripts.mit.edu** is a hosting service for the MIT community that provides several popular web packages such as **MediaWiki** and **WordPress**, as well as **CGI script**, **MySQL**, **cron**, and **procmail** hosting. The service is **free to any Athena account holder** or group locker. It has over 3000 registered user accounts, and is used by a number of student organizations and academic groups at MIT. The scripts.mit.edu service is provided by the [Student Information Processing Board](http://sipb.mit.edu/) (SIPB), MIT’s volunteer student group dedicated to computing. It is neither run nor supported by [IS&T](http://ist.mit.edu/), and we make no guarantees about [uptime or support](/faq/136/what-level-of-support-does-scriptsmitedu-provide). We encourage scripts.mit.edu users to subscribe to our [announcement mailing list](https://mailman.mit.edu:444/mailman/listinfo/scripts-announce). ### [Quick-Start Installers](http://scripts.mit.edu/start/) You can easily [install](http://scripts.mit.edu/start/) a new wiki, blog, photo gallery, forum, CMS, guestbook, or Trac by simply running two commands at an Athena prompt: > athena% **add scripts** > athena% **scripts** ### [Web Script Service](http://scripts.mit.edu/web/) Athena users and group lockers can serve CGI scripts (Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scheme, etc.) on the web using the [scripts.mit.edu hosting service](http://scripts.mit.edu/web/). ### [MySQL Service](http://sql.mit.edu/) This service provides [MySQL](http://dev.mysql.com/doc) databases to Athena users and group lockers. SQL commands can be issued from any host, client, and/or script of your choice; simply connect to the [MySQL server at sql.mit.edu](http://sql.mit.edu/) using your MySQL username and password. ### [Mail Script Service](http://scripts.mit.edu/mail/) You can use [procmail](http://www.google.com/search?q=procmail) scripts to [configure scripts to act on e-mail](http://scripts.mit.edu/mail/) sent to your @scripts.mit.edu account. ### [Scheduled Jobs Service](http://scripts.mit.edu/cron/ "Cron") You can use [cron](http://www.google.com/search?q=cron) to [automatically run commands](http://scripts.mit.edu/cron/) at specified times on scripts.mit.edu. ### [Development Blog](http://scripts.mit.edu/news/) You can read about new features and changes to scripts.mit.edu on our [development blog](http://scripts.mit.edu/news/).