[[!meta title="How do I enable file uploads to my MediaWiki?"]] To enable uploads, edit the LocalSettings.php file in your MediaWiki install directory, and change the line reading `$wgEnableUploads = false;` to `$wgEnableUploads = true;`. MediaWiki by default allows uploads of images with the following extensions: png, gif, jpg, and jpeg. To upload more file types, you will also need to add lines such as $wgFileExtensions[] = 'doc'; $wgFileExtensions[] = 'pdf'; for each extension (.doc and .pdf in this example) you would like to allow your site to upload. You can add these lines anywhere after the line starting with **require\_once** and before the **?\>** at the end of the file. Certain file types, such as .zip, cannot be properly uploaded with the default file-type detection system. If you have problems uploading certain file types, you may need to use an additional file-type detector, named “file”, with this command: $wgMimeDetectorCommand = 'file -bi'; If you run into trouble, please check the [MediaWiki web site](http://www.mediawiki.org/) or contact [scripts@mit.edu](http://scripts.mit.edu/scripts@mit.edu).