[[!meta title="What file extensions are served directly to the web using my scripts.mit.edu account?"]] When a file with one of the following extensions 1) is underneath your web\_scripts directory and 2) is not protected by a .htaccess file, it will be served directly to the web using your scripts.mit.edu account (you may want to read [this description](/faq/48/) of what files your account can access). In other words, you do not need to make files with the following extensions world-readable in order for them to be served directly to the web: html css gif jpg png htm jpeg js ico xml xsl tiff tif tgz tar jar zip pdf ps doc xls ppt dot docx dotx docm dotm xlt xla xlsx xltx xlsm xltm xlam xlsb pot pps ppa pptx potx ppsx ppam pptm potm ppsm swf mp3 mov wmv mpg mpeg avi il xhtml svg xaml xap wav mid midi xaml xap odc odb odf odg odi odp otp ods ots odt odm ott oth