[[!meta title="How can I backup and restore MySQL data?"]] You can back up your SQL data in two ways: via the command-line, or using the phpMyAdmin graphical user interface. Note that phpMyAdmin **cannot import large databases** (to get around this limitation, you can import and export databases using the command-line). * * * * * #### Backing up and restoring with the command-line client First, [perform a kerberised ssh to scripts.mit.edu after sshing to an Athena workstation](/faq/41/) (lockername@scripts if your website is in a locker). Then, to export the database: **mysqldump** *user+database* **\>** *filename.sql* To import a database dump, make sure the database exists (you may need to create it from [sql.mit.edu](http://sql.mit.edu/)) and run the command **mysql** *user+database* **<** *filename.sql* * * * * * #### Backing up and restoring with phpMyAdmin You can use phpMyAdmin to backup and restore data. However, **importing will not work for large databases**. To backup your data using phpMyAdmin: 1. Log in to [phpMyAdmin](http://scripts.mit.edu/~sql/phpMyAdmin/) with your [SQL password](/faq/59/accessing-mysql-in-athena-with-mycnf). 2. Select the database or table you want to export (if you want to export just one database or table), and click the link at the top-right labeled **Export**. 3. If a list of databases or tables displays at the top, select the databases or tables you want to export: either use “Select All”, or Ctrl-click / Cmd-click to select multiple items. (There is no need to backup `information_schema`, since this is a read-only system table.) 4. Ensure the export type is “SQL”. Check the “Save as file” box near the bottom, and select “gzipped” if you want to compress your exported data. 5. Click **Go** and save the downloaded file somewhere safe. To restore your data using phpMyAdmin: 1. Make sure the database that you’re restoring into exists by creating it on the [sql.mit.edu web interface](http://sql.mit.edu/) (not phpMyAdmin) if necessary. 2. Log in to [phpMyAdmin](http://scripts.mit.edu/~sql/phpMyAdmin/) with your [SQL password](/faq/59/accessing-mysql-in-athena-with-mycnf). 3. If you want to import a single database, choose that database from the left menu. 4. Click **Import** at the top. 5. Select the backup you downloaded previously (or any SQL-formatted database dump) and click **Go**.