[[!meta title="Can I set up my scripts site to forward/redirect to another website?"]] Yes. If you would like to redirect all web requests for a given URL on scripts.mit.edu to another website (such as web.mit.edu), follow these instructions: **Note:** These directions are only appropriate for redirecting a URL on your scripts.mit.edu site to another URL that is **not** also on your scripts site. If you want to, for example, cause http://mylocker.scripts.mit.edu to take people to http://mylocker.scripts.mit.edu/wiki, please skip to the directions at the end of the page. \1. Create a directory for the redirect. In these examples, we will be redirecting http://mygroup.scripts.mit.edu/subpage/ to http://www.example.com/other/website/, so create the “subpage” directory: athena% **attach**mygroup athena% **mkdir /mit/**mygroup**/web\_scripts/**subpage \2. Create a text file named .htaccess within your the new directory, e.g.: athena% **cd /mit/**mygroup**/web\_scripts/**subpage athena% **emacs .htaccess** \3. Place two lines like the following in the .htaccess file: **RedirectPermanent /\~**mygroup**/**subpage**/** http://www.example.com/other/site/ **RedirectPermanent /**subpage**/** http://www.example.com/other/site/ This will send requests to either http://scripts.mit.edu/\~mygroup/subpage/ or http://mygroup.scripts.mit.edu/subpage/ to the right address. It will also redirect, e.g., http://mygroup.scripts.mit.edu/subpage/foo.html to http://www.example.com/other/site/subpage/foo.html. If you would like the redirect not to be cached by web browsers (e.g.,if you’re planning to change the redirect or set up a scripts site at this address), use “RedirectTemp” instead of “RedirectPermanent.” If you’re also planning to get a [mygroup.mit.edu-style address](/faq/14/) (a CNAME) to redirect to an outside site, then add at the bottom **RedirectPermanent /** http://www.example.com/other/site/ If, instead of redirecting visitors to a different website, you wish to cause visitors who go to http://mylocker.scripts.mit.edu to be redirected to http://mylocker.scripts.mit.edu/wiki (or something similar), you can do the following: \1. Create a text file named .htaccess in your locker’s web\_scripts directory (or edit an existing one), e.g.: athena% **cd /mit/**mylocker**/web\_scripts** athena% **emacs .htaccess** \2. Place a line like the following near the top of the .htaccess file: **RedirectMatch \^/?$** /wiki This will only send requests to http://mylocker.scripts.mit.edu to the initial address for the wiki. It will not interfere with the way the rest of your existing URLs work. More information about redirect rules is available in the [Apache documentation](http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_alias.html#redirect). You can also [set up your web.mit.edu or www.mit.edu site to forward to scripts](http://scripts.mit.edu/faq/54).