#!/usr/pkg/bin/perl package IkiWiki::Plugin::cvs; use warnings; use strict; use IkiWiki; sub import { hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "cvs", call => \&checkconfig); hook(type => "getsetup", id => "cvs", call => \&getsetup); hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_update", call => \&rcs_update); hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_prepedit", call => \&rcs_prepedit); hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_commit", call => \&rcs_commit); hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_commit_staged", call => \&rcs_commit_staged); hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_add", call => \&rcs_add); hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_remove", call => \&rcs_remove); hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_rename", call => \&rcs_rename); hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_recentchanges", call => \&rcs_recentchanges); hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_diff", call => \&rcs_diff); hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_getctime", call => \&rcs_getctime); } sub checkconfig () { if (! defined $config{cvspath}) { $config{cvspath}="ikiwiki"; } if (exists $config{cvspath}) { # code depends on the path not having extraneous slashes $config{cvspath}=~tr#/#/#s; $config{cvspath}=~s/\/$//; $config{cvspath}=~s/^\///; } if (defined $config{cvs_wrapper} && length $config{cvs_wrapper}) { push @{$config{wrappers}}, { wrapper => $config{cvs_wrapper}, wrappermode => (defined $config{cvs_wrappermode} ? $config{cvs_wrappermode} : "04755"), }; } } sub getsetup () { return plugin => { safe => 0, # rcs plugin rebuild => undef, }, cvsrepo => { type => "string", example => "/cvs/wikirepo", description => "cvs repository location", safe => 0, # path rebuild => 0, }, cvspath => { type => "string", example => "ikiwiki", description => "path inside repository where the wiki is located", safe => 0, # paranoia rebuild => 0, }, cvs_wrapper => { type => "string", example => "/cvs/wikirepo/CVSROOT/post-commit", description => "cvs post-commit hook to generate (triggered by CVSROOT/loginfo entry", safe => 0, # file rebuild => 0, }, cvs_wrappermode => { type => "string", example => '04755', description => "mode for cvs_wrapper (can safely be made suid)", safe => 0, rebuild => 0, }, historyurl => { type => "string", example => "http://cvs.example.org/cvsweb.cgi/ikiwiki/[[file]]", description => "cvsweb url to show file history ([[file]] substituted)", safe => 1, rebuild => 1, }, diffurl => { type => "string", example => "http://cvs.example.org/cvsweb.cgi/ikiwiki/[[file]].diff?r1=text&tr1=[[r1]]&r2=text&tr2=[[r2]]", description => "cvsweb url to show a diff ([[file]], [[r1]], and [[r2]] substituted)", safe => 1, rebuild => 1, }, } sub cvs_info ($$) { my $field=shift; my $file=shift; chdir $config{srcdir} || error("Cannot chdir to $config{srcdir}: $!"); my $info=`cvs status $file`; my ($ret)=$info=~/^\s*$field:\s*(\S+)/m; return $ret; } sub cvs_runcvs(@) { my ($cmd) = @_; unshift @$cmd, 'cvs', '-Q'; eval q{use IPC::Cmd}; error($@) if $@; chdir $config{srcdir} || error("Cannot chdir to $config{srcdir}: $!"); my ($success, $error_code, $full_buf, $stdout_buf, $stderr_buf) = IPC::Cmd::run(command => $cmd, verbose => 0); if (! $success) { warn(join(" ", @$cmd) . " exited with code $error_code\n"); warn(join "", @$stderr_buf); } return $success; } sub cvs_shquote_commit ($) { my $message = shift; eval q{use String::ShellQuote}; error($@) if $@; return shell_quote(IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint($message)); } sub cvs_is_controlling { my $dir=shift; $dir=$config{srcdir} unless defined($dir); return (-d "$dir/CVS") ? 1 : 0; } sub rcs_update () { return unless cvs_is_controlling; cvs_runcvs(['update', '-dP']); } sub rcs_prepedit ($) { # Prepares to edit a file under revision control. Returns a token # that must be passed into rcs_commit when the file is ready # for committing. # The file is relative to the srcdir. my $file=shift; return unless cvs_is_controlling; # For cvs, return the revision of the file when # editing begins. my $rev=cvs_info("Repository revision", "$file"); return defined $rev ? $rev : ""; } sub rcs_commit ($$$;$$) { # Tries to commit the page; returns undef on _success_ and # a version of the page with the rcs's conflict markers on failure. # The file is relative to the srcdir. my $file=shift; my $message=shift; my $rcstoken=shift; my $user=shift; my $ipaddr=shift; return unless cvs_is_controlling; if (defined $user) { $message="web commit by $user".(length $message ? ": $message" : ""); } elsif (defined $ipaddr) { $message="web commit from $ipaddr".(length $message ? ": $message" : ""); } # Check to see if the page has been changed by someone # else since rcs_prepedit was called. my ($oldrev)=$rcstoken=~/^([0-9]+)$/; # untaint my $rev=cvs_info("Repository revision", "$config{srcdir}/$file"); if (defined $rev && defined $oldrev && $rev != $oldrev) { # Merge their changes into the file that we've # changed. cvs_runcvs(['update', $file]) || warn("cvs merge from $oldrev to $rev failed\n"); } if (! cvs_runcvs(['commit', '-m', cvs_shquote_commit $message])) { my $conflict=readfile("$config{srcdir}/$file"); cvs_runcvs(['update', '-C', $file]) || warn("cvs revert failed\n"); return $conflict; } return undef # success } sub rcs_commit_staged ($$$) { # Commits all staged changes. Changes can be staged using rcs_add, # rcs_remove, and rcs_rename. my ($message, $user, $ipaddr)=@_; if (defined $user) { $message="web commit by $user".(length $message ? ": $message" : ""); } elsif (defined $ipaddr) { $message="web commit from $ipaddr".(length $message ? ": $message" : ""); } if (! cvs_runcvs(['commit', '-m', cvs_shquote_commit $message])) { warn "cvs staged commit failed\n"; return 1; # failure } return undef # success } sub rcs_add ($) { # filename is relative to the root of the srcdir my $file=shift; my $parent=IkiWiki::dirname($file); my @files_to_add = ($file); eval q{use File::MimeInfo}; error($@) if $@; until ((length($parent) == 0) || cvs_is_controlling("$config{srcdir}/$parent")){ push @files_to_add, $parent; $parent = IkiWiki::dirname($parent); } while ($file = pop @files_to_add) { if (@files_to_add == 0) { # file my $filemime = File::MimeInfo::default($file); if (defined($filemime) && $filemime eq 'text/plain') { cvs_runcvs(['add', $file]) || warn("cvs add $file failed\n"); } else { cvs_runcvs(['add', '-kb', $file]) || warn("cvs add binary $file failed\n"); } } else { # directory cvs_runcvs(['add', $file]) || warn("cvs add $file failed\n"); } } } sub rcs_remove ($) { # filename is relative to the root of the srcdir my $file=shift; return unless cvs_is_controlling; cvs_runcvs(['rm', '-f', $file]) || warn("cvs rm $file failed\n"); } sub rcs_rename ($$) { # filenames relative to the root of the srcdir my ($src, $dest)=@_; return unless cvs_is_controlling; chdir $config{srcdir} || error("Cannot chdir to $config{srcdir}: $!"); if (system("mv", "$src", "$dest") != 0) { warn("filesystem rename failed\n"); } rcs_add($dest); rcs_remove($src); } sub rcs_recentchanges($) { my $num = shift; my @ret; return unless cvs_is_controlling; eval q{use Date::Parse}; error($@) if $@; chdir $config{srcdir} || error("Cannot chdir to $config{srcdir}: $!"); # There's no cvsps option to get the last N changesets. # Write full output to a temp file and read backwards. eval q{use File::Temp qw/tempfile/}; error($@) if $@; eval q{use File::ReadBackwards}; error($@) if $@; my (undef, $tmpfile) = tempfile(OPEN=>0); system("env TZ=UTC cvsps -q --cvs-direct -z 30 -x >$tmpfile"); if ($? == -1) { error "couldn't run cvsps: $!\n"; } elsif (($? >>8) != 0) { error "cvsps exited " . ($? >> 8) . ": $!\n"; } tie(*SPSVC, 'File::ReadBackwards', $tmpfile) || error "couldn't open $tmpfile for read: $!\n"; while (my $line = ) { $line =~ /^$/ || error "expected blank line, got $line"; my ($rev, $user, $committype, $when); my (@message, @pages); # We're reading backwards. # Forwards, an entry looks like so: # --------------------- # PatchSet $rev # Date: $when # Author: $user (or user CGI runs as, for web commits) # Branch: branch # Tag: tag # Log: # @message_lines # Members: # @pages (and revisions) # while ($line = ) { last if ($line =~ /^Members:/); for ($line) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; } my ($page, $revs) = split(/:/, $line); my ($oldrev, $newrev) = split(/->/, $revs); $oldrev =~ s/INITIAL/0/; $newrev =~ s/\(DEAD\)//; my $diffurl = defined $config{diffurl} ? $config{diffurl} : ""; $diffurl=~s/\[\[file\]\]/$page/g; $diffurl=~s/\[\[r1\]\]/$oldrev/g; $diffurl=~s/\[\[r2\]\]/$newrev/g; unshift @pages, { page => pagename($page), diffurl => $diffurl, } if length $page; } while ($line = ) { last if ($line =~ /^Log:$/); chomp $line; unshift @message, { line => $line }; } $committype = "web"; if (defined $message[0] && $message[0]->{line}=~/$config{web_commit_regexp}/) { $user=defined $2 ? "$2" : "$3"; $message[0]->{line}=$4; } else { $committype="cvs"; } $line = ; # Tag $line = ; # Branch $line = ; if ($line =~ /^Author: (.*)$/) { $user = $1 unless defined $user && length $user; } else { error "expected Author, got $line"; } $line = ; if ($line =~ /^Date: (.*)$/) { $when = str2time($1, 'UTC'); } else { error "expected Date, got $line"; } $line = ; if ($line =~ /^PatchSet (.*)$/) { $rev = $1; } else { error "expected PatchSet, got $line"; } $line = ; # --------------------- push @ret, { rev => $rev, user => $user, committype => $committype, when => $when, message => [@message], pages => [@pages], } if @pages; last if @ret >= $num; } unlink($tmpfile) || error "couldn't unlink $tmpfile: $!\n"; return @ret; } sub rcs_diff ($) { my $rev=IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint(int(shift)); chdir $config{srcdir} || error("Cannot chdir to $config{srcdir}: $!"); # diff output is unavoidably preceded by the cvsps PatchSet entry my @cvsps = `env TZ=UTC cvsps -q --cvs-direct -z 30 -g -s $rev`; my $blank_lines_seen = 0; while (my $line = shift @cvsps) { $blank_lines_seen++ if ($line =~ /^$/); last if $blank_lines_seen == 2; } if (wantarray) { return @cvsps; } else { return join("", @cvsps); } } sub rcs_getctime ($) { my $file=shift; my $cvs_log_infoline=qr/^date: (.+);\s+author/; open CVSLOG, "cvs -Q log -r1.1 '$file' |" || error "couldn't get cvs log output: $!\n"; my $date; while () { if (/$cvs_log_infoline/) { $date=$1; } } close CVSLOG || warn "cvs log $file exited $?"; if (! defined $date) { warn "failed to parse cvs log for $file\n"; return 0; } eval q{use Date::Parse}; error($@) if $@; $date=str2time($date, 'UTC'); debug("found ctime ".localtime($date)." for $file"); return $date; } 1