# OpenID discussion ## No return_to in OpenID server Hi, there's no return_to from a designated OpenID server page, specs requires (I think a "should" or "must", can't recall exact wording) that it redirects back to the RP, in order to complete the registration and authentication. Unless I'm missing something, and the doc is incomplete, I'd consider this a bug. I don't expect to be of much use WRT coming up with a patch, but I'm willing to test ;-) . > If this is a bug, could you please explain: > > * What happens when the bug occurs? > * How can one reproduce the bug? > > PS, please file bugs under [[bugs]] in future. --[[Joey]] >> Oops, my bad, didn't know that existed at the time I wrote this. >> >> What happened is that the process wouldn't complete, therefore I couldn't login with my OpenID. >> >> reproducibility: every time >> >> Should probably move this page, eh? ;) >> I'd do that, but I dunno know other than using the SCM backend in question.... Here's some actual output (with my OpenID URL stripped out): do=postsignin&oic.time=1238224497-1450566d93097caa707f&openid.assoc_handle=%7BHMAC-SHA1%7D%7B49cdce76%7D%7BBhuXXw%3D%3D%7D&openid.identity=|<==== MY OPENID URL GOES HERE ====>|&openid.mode=id_res&openid.op_endpoint=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.myopenid.com%2Fserver&openid.response_nonce=2009-03-28T07%3A15%3A02ZDUFmG3&openid.return_to=http%3A%2F%2Fsimonraven.kisikew.org%2Fbin%2Fikiwiki.cgi%3Fdo%3Dpostsignin%26oic.time%3D1238224497-1450566d93097caa707f&openid.sig=E51Xh6Gnjku%2B0se57qCyhHbT5QY%3D&openid.signed=assoc_handle%2Cidentity%2Cmode%2Cop_endpoint%2Cresponse_nonce%2Creturn_to%2Csigned The `return_to` arg should NOT be `signed`, it should be the originating URL where you initially logged in. > I think you're confusing 'openid.return_to' with 'return_to'. The > former is present above, and is, indeed, the originating url, the latter > is part of the *value* of the 'openid.signed' parameter generated by myopenid.com. --[[Joey]] Also, I dunno what the assoc_handle is doing spitting out an arg like `{HMAC-SHA1}{49cdce76}{BhuXXw%3D%3D}` it should be processed further. I have the needed perl packages installed (latest for Lenny). Hrm, would endianness matter? > Again, this value is created by the openid server, not by ikiwiki. > I see the same HMAC-SHA1 when using myopenid, and completly different > things for other openid servers. (Ie, when using livejournal as an openid server, > `openid.assoc_handle=1239305290:STLS.QiU6zTZ6w2bM3ttRkdaa:e68f91b751`) > > I'm fairly sure that is all a red herring. > > So, when I was talking about reproducing the bug, I was thinking perhaps you could tell me what openid server you're using, > etc, so I can actually see the bug with my own eyes. > > The sanitised url parameters you've provided are not generated by ikiwiki at all. > They don't even seem to be generated by the underlying [[!cpan Net::OpenID]] library. > I'm pretty sure that what you're showing me is the url myopenid redirects > the browser to after successfully signing in. At that point, ikiwiki > should complete the signin. What fails at this point? How can I reproduce this failure? --[[Joey]]